What bike "bit" you?

Phu Cat

2250+ Posts
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Ocala, Florida
For me it was a 1960's something Sears Alstate that belonged to a neighbor. I lusted for that 2 speed moped, but Dad said "I'd rather break your arm myself than see you break it on THAT thing". Once my friend actually trusted me to ride it (and not wreck it) I was hooked. What bike "bit" you?
For me it was a 1960's something Sears Alstate that belonged to a neighbor. I lusted for that 2 speed moped, but Dad said "I'd rather break your arm myself than see you break it on THAT thing". Once my friend actually trusted me to ride it (and not wreck it) I was hooked. What bike "bite" you?

It had to be a Moto Gucci. Don’t remember the year it’s something about the layout of the engine and sound that got to me!👍
Don’t remember what it was , but a motorized 2 wheeler . Back yard run with throttle freeze . Woke up in the woods somewhere hurtin pretty good with people looking at me on the ground .
I've been addicted to two wheels as long as I can remember, starting with a bicycle.

First motorized was a mini bike at about 8, the older kid it belonged to, thought it would be funny to watch me crash. I didn't

I soon had a Suzuki 80, then a 305 Honda scrambler.

The bike I lusted after was the BSA 650 Lightening. I got a Yamaha 650 instead. A buddy bought a BSA. I liked My Yami way better.

Quite a few other bikes, but those are what got me started
When I was 6 or7 we lived in Indiana out in the boonies, and my dad ended up with an old servi-car with an open trunk. He would take my sister and myself for rides in the field across from the house. I was hooked by the sound and the smell that old bike belched out.
In the early 70s I had a friend that I visited on weekends often. He had a Honda CB350 and another small Honda which I believe was a CB90. We rode all over town including freeways. Dave and his wife on the 350 and me tagging along on the 90. No helmets, no MC license, no formal training. I remember that 90CC could do a wheely with ease. Crazy fun!
When I was a young teenager there was a Honda dealer right down the street from me. That was around the late 60s early 70s. As I got older I just fell in love with the Goldwing. After 18 years without a bike while my kids were growing up I finally got a beautiful 97 white Goldwing. After riding it for 2 years with my wife I came to the conclusion that the bike was too tall, the seat was too wide and I couldn’t get my feet flat on the ground which caused a couple of tip overs while coming to a stop on sandy roads. After test driving a trike while on vacation I was hooked. I had that bike triked and now drive a 2017 wing. One of the best things I ever did.
My buddy that hung out with transitioned to to an old enduro to trail ride so I got a CB 125 and put knobbies and a huge sprocket on back and trail riding I went.Then I went to street riding with a Yamaha SR185.I loved that little bike and that really got it my blood.
I think it was a 60cc Yamaha that dad had, sort of trading stock for him. Not sure how many miles I put on that in the back yard. He rode some but wasn’t really into it that much. My first bike was a 1968 Yamaha 305 twin.

Anything with 2 wheels and an engine got my full attention. :laugh:

But the bike that really grabbed me...I was 12 and Bruce, a senior had Triumph 650 Bonneville. Loved the sound and it had the most power (by a long shot) of anything I'd ridden up to that point.

We had a BSA dealer in town. I walked in one day and saw an old 19656 AJS. I didn't realize it was past it's prime and bought it. It didn't last a month, but I was hooked. I was in a NortonDucati dealership looking for a 450 Duc. He didn`t have any but did have a left over Red and Silver Commando that he was willing to make me deal on so I bought it. That was it from then on. That Norton was great and I wish I had it back.
I wish I had it back.

Isn't that almost always the case.

If you had everything you wish you still had you wouldn’t have enough room to store the stuff you wished you still had or even have the money to pay for the storage for all the stuff you wished you still had….