What is the 1 thing You Forget To Pack For a Trip

This is a difficult one. When we plan trips, we usually plan well in advance. Plus, most bike thing are kept together - so, most is already packed.

As an example, the rain suits, cleaner, tire repair kit, compressor - all of that stuff stays in the bike. I aslo have a trunk bag that does on tops and specific items go in there.

Night before, we pack our clothes - have the kits already pack for biking. We pack for 3 days, regardless of how long we are traveling. Wife packs one less shirt because she "always" buys one. We stay in hotels and do laundry every 3rd day.
Like cycle7447 we start a list weeks before we leave, so it's rare that we leave anything behind. The only time that comes to mind is several years ago we were headed to Biketoberfest, we stopped for the night somewhere in Ga and as we were getting ready for bed my wife almost screams. Of course, this scares the crap out of me, so I said WHAT! She looks at me and says that we left the money for the house we rented in the safe. It worked out because our son still lived at home, so we had him get it. Then take it to our friends who were coming down the next day.
Lets see how this unfolds;)

Empty space! I did a road trip during the month of August. Packed, repacked a few times before leaving. After more than 3 weeks on the road I unpacked MORE stuff from the trike that DIDN'T get used than the stuff that DID! Seems like if I have a space on the trike, I find something to fill it. And this isn't the first time for me. I'm a real slow learner..... Jim, the Pack Rat.....
Trip packing

Back years ago while riding my 2-wheeler I broke down (did lots of camping) and bought a Bushtec trailer to pull/haul all my gear. Excited to get going I rolled out and headed up to a rally about 250 + miles away. Arrived and unpacked only to discover my tent AND sleeping bag were still at HOME! Long night BUT still a fun week-end…….what the hell DID I pack????

Been down this road so many times I now have a list of essentials on the inside of my dresser so I remember the important stuff.

Pulling a trailer just gives Ma excuses to pick up stuff along the trip.
Well, when we went to the AZ gathering, we had everything .......... until I asked for a drink!!! Water bottle was full of ice & water & left sitting on the Kitchen Island at home. :blush::blush: