What kind of thing did you learn from as a child?

Phu Cat

2250+ Posts
Mom and Dad had their driveway blacktopped when I was about 6 or 7 yr old. I had a 1950's scooter where you stood between the front and rear wheel and pushed it along with one foot. This is when I got the bright idea to take the scooter to the top of the new driveway and coast it down. It seemed like a long driveway and I got going pretty fast and did not understand about trying to turn too fast. Wound up with skinned knees and palms. You?

Mom and Dad had their driveway blacktopped when I was about 6 or 7 yr old. I had a 1950's scooter where you stood between the front and rear wheel and pushed it along with one foot. This is when I got the bright idea to take the scooter to the top of the new driveway and coast it down. It seemed like a long driveway and I got going pretty fast and did not understand about trying to turn too fast. Wound up with skinned knees and palms. You?


You shouldn’t drop a lit firecracker down a manhole cover….:blowup: ..
I learned when I misbehaved and my mother broke a hair brush across my ass. That it became my hair brush. Learned that at a very early age. Never forgot it.:)
I learned.....

I learned that when you walk down hill, away from home and get tired, it's a long exhausting walk up-hill to get home.

I was 2nd grade. The kid living across the street was 3rd grade. When school let out one day, we decided to walk to a bridge that was about 4 miles away and all downhill, and in the opposite direction from our homes. The reasoning behind our exploration can only be rationalized by 2nd and 3rd graders. We did get home a little past supper time. The ENTIRE neighborhood had been notified. The school had been called. We came home to very worried and subsequently angry parents. Then we both caught hell the next day from our teachers and vice principal. Seems our ill-advised hike became a well-publicized example shared with the entire school..... Jim
I learned not to play with matches in the woods.

They never did find out who set the woods on fire. (Wasntme)

I did almost the same thing but I didn't know until later that the entire time I was denying have anything to do with the fire my hair was singed and my Mom knew I was lying. :gah:
Speakin of firecrackers, as a kid whenever a lite one didn't explode I'd eventually pick it up and bend it in half until it broke. Then you could lite the powder inside and if you stomped on it with your heel it would still explode. That worked well with thick soled shoes, not so well in tennies.

You could go pond fishing with M80’s /Cherry bomb taped to a rock :D🦈

Now ya need to be a aggracational farmer to get them at the local feed store .
You could go pond fishing with M80’s /Cherry bomb taped to a rock :D🦈

Now ya need to be a aggracational farmer to get them at the local feed store .

When I were able to get them (911 ended that) I would tape a M80 or a Block Buster to a rock and drop it into a Tip-Up hole on our frozen lake..You can hear and feel the reverberations a mile away….👍..