What Safety Rules Do You Use When Riding?

This should be an interesting thread

I always wear boots, jeans, gloves no matter the weather

And, I'll add a helmet to that list. For other safety rules, I never assume I am safe going through a green traffic light. I always look both ways for red light runners, and we have a lot of them here. I try to maintain situational awareness...... what's going on around me all the time. There have been times when I find myself becoming too comfortable and just enjoying my inner thoughts and have to mentally "wake up" and pay attention. So far, it has worked for me..... Jim
I keep a 3 to 4 car distance between myself and the car in front of me so I’m able to have plenty of time to stop. Idiots behind me look at that as a sign of weakness and pass me even though I’m driving the same speed as the car in front of me. I also avoid highways whenever possible.
I'm on the interstate a lot commuting to work and back. My eyes and head are always moving. When I pass, I get on by regardless of the speed limit. Look as far ahead as I can so I can respond quickly and accordingly. A lot of distance goes by in a short amount of time going 70-80 mph.
​One thing I'd like to add is: Take an experienced rider course. With thirty years of experience under my belt I took MSF's Experienced rider course and learned a LOT! Then about 15 years later, I took it a second time and learned even more. I think the Motorcycle Safety Foundation is the premier class for learning to ride well and learning to be observant.

Learning how to counter steer might be the second most important skill you can develope for riding a bike. And it's something you should practice so when the time arises that you need to maneuver quickly you don't have to think about it, you KNOW how to do it. Knowing how to counter steer saved Ma and my butts twice.
360 degree awareness. Look well ahead. Never assume cave drivers are going to do what you think. Watch shoulders alertly if occupied by farm equipment. My accident was a farm implements dealer who made a left turn from the right shoulder when I was passing in the drive lane. Hit the tractor in a 45 degree slide at almost 40 mph. A helmet is a unwavering requirement at all times.