Where did Your Screen Name come from....

Mine is a play on my last name and given to me in my teens by a few.... I used to ride push bikes/dirt bikes full speed...... then it really stuck stock car racing... full throttle :p
Phu Cat was a small Air Force base in Binh Dinh Province, II Corp, SEA, ever heard of it?. No army, marines, roks on perimeter, just af.

Have been called Moe from the time I was a teenager it started as slang for my last name but stuck. I owned a 55 Chevy from 1966 to 2003.
I'm Trudyrider on another site, realized that sounded odd if you didn't know me. When I bought the Ural 6 years ago, the grandkids saw the 2WD decal on the back, we name all our vehicles so the Ural became "Trudy" and Trudy became "Uralowner" here. We've had Max The Diesel, Fast Freddy Ford 4X4, Big Silver School Bus, Freddy Jr., Snowball, Trooper, The Manny Wagon and??????????
Well I've always been big, when younger and in better shape, I never lost an argument. The nickname Big Dog just kind of got started, and I never put a stop to it. Let's face it, you don't want to mess with the Big Dog, do ya? Miles would bite the hell out of your calf and ankle!:D
Bought an 83 Yamaha several years back after not riding for about 18 yrs.The Retread part seems fitting,like the old recap tires.The Yammy is gone, starter clutch broke at 36k miles, back on a Sporty.Owned a 69 for 18 years.
i was a charter boat captain with my own boat before the gov't wanted to control and regulate the fishing in the Gulf Of Mexico with their stupidity.
Obviously I have one of those "self-evident" ones...it was actually put on me by Charlie Keller from "Honda Hoot Fame", many years ago...it has become so dominant, even "off-screen" that most Folks know me by it instead of David...Post up Folks.....OK, drives me crazy Stan...explain "Boscoporp".....;):wtg:

From The Hobbit
Got Mine many, MANY Years ago working in a Nice Small Bike Shop. Worked on pretty much Anything/Everything, but had a Penchant for Harleys, and one day, Somebody asked about Getting a Harley Repaired, and the Owner Says, Go See Him. The guy says Who, Owner says, That Guy, HOGMAN! We all had a Good Chuckle about the Name, and I'll be, it's Stuck All these Years Later! I Still have Almost All of the Customers I Had Then, Today Too! ThumbUp
Well, before I drank the Harley kool aid, I had a Goldwing for several years. During that time I used to tease my Harley riding buddies incessantly about their choice of ride - let me start my bike first so I know it's running, I carry booster cables in case any of you don't start, I'll ride tailgunner so I can pick up all your parts that fall off and the list goes on... Needless to say when I finally saw the light and came over to the dark side - I had some crow to eat.... Actually went and bought a fake one to carry with me for a while... If you can't take a joke, don't buy a Harley...pepper

Keep calm and ride on!:Trike1:

Well, my first bike everyone called the Dragon because it had dragons painted on it an several etched into the windshield, so I was the Dragonrider. Lame but true.
well back in the day most called me magoo some called me worse !! so screen name i r magoo....worked for me
Mine is from my truck driving days. For over 25 years I had the handle of "Carolina Cobra" running 49 states and Canada. Yes I said 49 states. Made one trip from L.A. to Fairbanks, Alaska in the summer. I'll never make that run again!! Anyway, the handle has stuck with me for all this time, and now that I'm retired, I figured I'd still use the name as my screen name. Besides, you never know if there's another trucker on here that remembers me. Then again, maybe that ain't a good thing. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I wanted to get a Harley and after years of NAGGING, my wife let me buy a 2000 Harley edition F150. This was 3 years after the Y2k computer fiasco. I joined the National Harley Truck owners club website and came up with the user name y2k_harley. Kind of stuck even though the truck has been gone for many years.
"Tricky" is the "oldest" nickname I have and stuck for the longest time. Had to do something different, so changed the spelling a bit.. Do you have any idea how many users are called Tricky, or Trikky in the interweb thing?!?!??!.. Naturally, I had to stake my claim; hence THE REAL TRIKKY!!! :Coffee:
My SN is a play on the movie The 12 monkeys, like a dark, Munsters version of it, if you see me you will get it,
people run into me at shows or cruises and just call me "Bats"