White spray from rear radiator

I keep seeing some white spray of some sort that is coming from that grill on the back (it's not from the road I'm pretty sure) and it's leaving tiny white dots all over the back of the bike. It cleans right off but does anyone have any experience with that or what it might be?<br />
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I may need to take it to the shop next door and have them take a look.
I can see a trail down the housing for the fan on the left side, disappears up to where I can't see under there. Would he engine coolant leave a white film like that? It does seem to be a touch lower than it should be.
It is probably coolant.......When that ford gold coolant dries it turns white and chalky..I had a hose leaking under the hood and it dried white...:gah:
I'm thinking that's it. There must be a small leak somewhere up above where I can reach it easy, and as it drips down the back of the housing it reaches the grill and gets sprayed out lock xmas flocking.
I'd check the radiator cap if I were you. It's on the left side of the radiator as you're sitting on the bike. There is a cap inside the trunk for access to it.
TMS has a lot of rear ends that are overfilled and if the rear end gets hot it will overflow.
best thing to do is pull the top plug and let excess run out.
I rode in over 100* temps and it plugged up the radiator and the AC radiator.
I have it next door at the shop here. I had no idea there was an access port in the trunk until today.<br />
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Hopefully it's something simple to fix and then it's just a bit of upholstery work on the armrest on the back that needs to be fixed.
Looks like everything was just loose. Loose clamps, loose fitting, loose everything. All fixed now and tightened up. Even the hood and trunk latches were loose, they were able to unscrew a few bolts by just finger power.
I have a 08 Stallion and I don't see a door in the trunk to check the radiator cap. I this only on the newer plastic bodies?:Shrug:
Ok guys, that comment just make me get up from my comfy chair and go out to the garage and check my Stallion's trunk . . . yup, there it is that big ole black cap!