Not Good News

As of 4:00 this afternoon CC was on his way back to the ER with a partially collapsed lung. This winter has been extremely rough on CC & Barb. Please keep them in your prayers.
As of 4:00 this afternoon CC was on his way back to the ER with a partially collapsed lung. This winter has been extremely rough on CC & Barb. Please keep them in your prayers.

Prayers up for Chuck!! What caused it Keith? Any idea?
No idea Zook. I see he posted on the chat room this afternoon. Knowing that ornery fella, he might have gone out to shovel some snow. Nana is going to call Barb for an update in the morning. He's going to OSU this time, just prayin that they can help him.
No idea Zook. I see he posted on the chat room this afternoon. Knowing that ornery fella, he might have gone out to shovel some snow. Nana is going to call Barb for an update in the morning. He's going to OSU this time, just prayin that they can help him.

Keith, pneumonia is so tough to get over, I know a person has to be super careful with it so I hope he didn't try to get out in the weather too quickly. I'm sure he probably didn't but complications can come back no matter how careful you are. My son's 25 yr old fiance had pneumonia recently and has had a real tough time getting over it, relapsed a couple of times and she's young and healthy. Please keep us posted if you hear anything.
I spoke with Chuck's wife, Barb, a few minutes ago. Chuck's left lung has collapsed again, and his breathing is very labored. Unfortunately, major surgery will be required to alleviate the situation. He is being subjected to a battery of tests to determine every possible concern, and the plan is to perform surgery in a couple of days. Meanwhile he is in the best of hands at the University medical center, and particularly in God's care. Barb requests your prayer support through this new adventure.

Either Keith or myself will be in touch with her daily, and will update here as new information is available.
I will be sending prayers for CC and Barb! I am so sorry this happened to him. Sounds like he is in a good hospital and they will do everything humanly possible to help him.
Prayers from west Texas. Been there and it's gonna take a lot to come back. We all wish CC and Barb well. :xszpv: :xszpv:
Good news this morning….. Chuck was taken into surgery about 3:00 p.m., and was finally out about 10:00 p.m. Doctors had explained he would be on a ventilator in ICU for a couple of days, so Barb was stunned to walk into the recovery room and find him awake and waving at her without a vent! Apparently the surgery was significantly successful, as his lung inflated immediately to about 75% capacity, his labored breathing eased immediately, and the mechanical assistance was not required. She says the medical staff was amazed, and she and Chuck are relieved and incredibly grateful for answered prayers. Please continue to lift him in prayer support. This is a huge boost to him, but he still has a long way to go in his recovery.
What great news!!!!! :10:

Prayers will continue for a speedy and permanent recovery! ThumbUp
Another positive update...
chuck is able to walk the halls a bit and is enjoying food again. He will likely be discharged on Sunday.