Prayers for Honey

John Luciano

One Of The Origionals , TOI - New England
I have not been on here in quite some time. My plate is quite full at this point in my life. Those who know me know who HONEY is. Well HONEY is in a bad way right now. She is in a nursing Rehab home now. Has not Been able to walk since Feb. she is Bed ridden. Her health is depleting more each day. Just waiting for The Lord to take her from me. Please pray for her...
John, you are one of the originals who built this community. We have missed you! We will be praying for Honey and for you too. God has you both in his arms. You have many, many long time friends here who know and love you so don't hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can do for you.
John, I will be praying for Honey and you to have all the help needed from the Lord and your friends. I've wondered about you two on my last couple of trips up and down I84.
John, my heart breaks to read your post. Please know that Mike and I will both be lifting you and Honey in our prayers.
Prayers sent for both you and HONEY. Have had you on my mind a lot lately wandering where and how ya'll are doing. Missing you on the Forum,but understand. TAKE CARE