Headlight Modulator

"Signal Dynamics" ThumbUp
I have had Signal Dynamics modulator on my last two Goldwings. Would not ride without it. I also have had the Wig Wag on the brakes so people coming up behind me at a stop sign/light will notice me more.
I have bought the headlight modu for the Wing, and will be installing it this week. I have one on the Suzuki bike, as well as a "Backoff" brake light modulator.

Last year, DMV (motor vehicle inspection) FAILED me for the brake light modulator, telling me they are illegal. I protested, but in the end, they would not pass me. I had the lane tied up for quite a while, while I asked for some sort of proof. They did no provide any, but would not pass the bike. I ended up bypassing it, to pass, but have yet to re-connect, as I rarely ride the bike, and want to sell it.

Not to de-rail, but since it's pertinent, anyone else here fail their state inspection for a BRAKE light modulator?
If you are talking about the Wig wag it is not legal in Conn. As far as the rear light flashing once than twice fast , it is legal in this state. Never been stopped. I find that if you have something different they will give them a reason to stop u. If I see a Leo I turn it off. I have lied and said it might have been a loose bulb. Look doesn't seem to be doing it now. I get a," get it checked." Never argue with them u can't win.
If you are talking about the Wig wag it is not legal in Conn. As far as the rear light flashing once than twice fast , it is legal in this state. Never been stopped. I find that if you have something different they will give them a reason to stop u. If I see a Leo I turn it off. I have lied and said it might have been a loose bulb. Look doesn't seem to be doing it now. I get a," get it checked." Never argue with them u can't win.

Interesting - my 2012 MT Phoenix kit came from the factory with LED tail lights. When the brake light comes on, it blinks very fast about 4 times then remains steady. I have NO idea whether or not it's "legal" but in 1 year and 9,000 miles, I've never been stopped or asked about it. :Shrug:
I love my headlight modulator as well as the 'backoff' controller for the brake lights.

Personally, I believe the headlight modulator has saved my bacon on a number of occasions - you'll see a vehicle starting to pull out in front of you at an intersection and then immediately stop. Some folks confuse you with a LEO!

I have the full light package on the back of my CSC Viper and when you apply the brakes, the LED's on the back end light up like a Christmas tree. A lot more light than most cars.

Other vehicles do stay well back! :)
DEFINITELY draw attention and get noticed. ThumbUp
Agree, THAT is exactly the function and goal. ThumbUp
I just feel bad when people pull over for me. White trike looks
LEO. Had a guy pull up next to me at a traffic light and say. " EXCUSE ME OFFICER. CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE THE ATHLETC FIELD IS " I said WHAT?
i installed one on my bike last year, i think it really get the cagers attention. i at least know it got a cops attention he did a uturn came after me and pulled me over. He was going to give me a ticket for faulty eqiupment saying i must have had a loose wire in the light. I told him to stand in front of the bike and i turned it off then back on. No ticket for faulty equipment, no he proceeded to tell me they werne allowed. I opened the tourpack and pulled out the regulations handed them to him and he was ok with it.