Leading Link forks query

Just curious, no intentions of converting.
Has anyone done a leading link front fork conversion on a RSV/Hannigan trike? If so do you have any input on the handling differences, if any, between that and the Hannigan Easy Steer?
Is there even such a beast in existence.Who makes such a thing? I had a BMW R 69 with an Erles(leading link) fork on it. There was no dive in the front end during braking but the steering was quite slow for a 2 wheeler. It could make for better steering on a trike/sidecar set up. Are there any companies that make an after market leading link front end for multi model application?
I seem to recall a photo of an RSV with a the leading link setup. Might have been Aussie Annie down under. I was just wondering what the steering, ride might be like as compared to a normal or Easy Steer set up on a trike.