What did you do during the great and terrible site downtime of 2016??

Boxed a lot and learned some new Wing Chun moves

I work on a Rebar dog
I braided some rebar for the backbone

Made a spear head from some old metal I thought was high carbon but it will not harden. Must be a low carbon steel
Had computer problems of my own. My shop PC died!!!!

Spent a few day trying to revive it. Gave up yesterday and ordered a replacement!! :AGGHH:
I went to the neighbors houses checking on their computers to see if the site was working there. To no avail, I than went to the neighboring state checking in hotels with free wi-fi, again still no TT. I called Anonymous to see if they could hack into the site and send me a workable link. Still no TT. I took my laser pointer got some tin foil and tried contacting the aliens to see if they were able to get on. I think they got it. I AM BACK ON TT.
I was out deer hunting and camp BS'en for the last few days... Didn't know there was a problem till Sunday night... What happened :Shrug:
Watched another forum delete TT posts...

I noticed. :D

I remodeled a large closet the wife has been wanting me to do for a very long time. I kept putting it off because I had to rip out an entire wall. I also spent time in a politically liberal think tank debating politics-something I've been doing for 20 years and have never been censured. It is a real gang bang and takes an extremely thick skin, but I enjoy the challenge. I've never had difficulty consuming time and still live by the boy scout motto of being prepared. Glad TT is back and functioning well.