Ride Report w/ 100's of Photos & Video - 8 States, 2 Countries & 2 Big Surprises

Day 13-

Today is the big day!

We're going to the US Consulate.


Well, that was a let down.

-No passports.

-Did not even get in the door.

-Waited in line, outside, for 45 minutes to talk through a bulletproof window to someone that English was not their first language.

-Was told to go try and cross the border with no paperwork, and if they rejected us, to come back the next day.

My pre-conceived idea that as a US Citizen I could go to a US Embassy or US Consulate and be treated with some sort of caring or recognition that they wanted to help a fellow citizen...well that notion was totally squashed.

See the video below for more on the fiasco.

So back "home" again.


Day 14-

We are going to hook up...


...load up...


...and try and cross the border with no ID.


Two hours later, still in line.


No cameras allowed at the actual border crossing.

Mary is one happy camper!


After 15 minutes, the Border Agent let us back into the USA. A huge load of stress gone!


Less than an hour later we are in the San Diego, California, USA Walmart parking lot!


We're here to do some shopping, and go to the Verizon store to get our stolen phones replaced.

We got the groceries, but not the phones. Even though we had all our passwords and could answer all the security questions. They could not replace them without ID, which we still don't have. lol

That's ok. We have enough cash to get enough gas to get us to Bagdad, Arizona, where we are meeting Kurt to do some riding! :)

On the road we go! Drove til the Golden Acorn Casino, about halfway between Alpine and El Centro, Cali.


Tomorrow we will be in Arizona!

Here's a video with some of what we went thru trying to get out of Mexico-

Arizona and Riding in the USA coming soon!!!

I too am shocked that the U.S. Embassy, Consulate...whatever... was of no real help.

I thought that was the American’s “go-to” in an emergency like this.

Did I understand you to say the neighbor emailed you copies of your carry permits... wouldn’t that have been a good ID to present in the absence of your drivers license?

My Texas carry card is almost identical to my drivers license, picture and all - in fact I have accidentally pulled it out to present as ID instead of my DL. Just curious.

Dang! So glad you two made it through this mess.
It was good to see the pics and video of you and Mary back in the U.S.A.!!! What an ordeal!

Yeah, that was an "adventure" we have NO desire to repeat!!!

Very surprised that you were able to get back without a passport. But, I have zip experience on this, well except from what I saw in the movie "The Net" ... LOL ... really glad it worked out.

Yes, was an indescribable load off the stress-meter to get back into the USA.

I too am shocked that the U.S. Embassy, Consulate...whatever... was of no real help.

I thought that was the American’s “go-to” in an emergency like this.

Did I understand you to say the neighbor emailed you copies of your carry permits... wouldn’t that have been a good ID to present in the absence of your drivers license?

My Texas carry card is almost identical to my drivers license, picture and all - in fact I have accidentally pulled it out to present as ID instead of my DL. Just curious.

Dang! So glad you two made it through this mess.

I always had the impression/fantasy that the Embassy or Consulate was US territory in a foreign country, where we, as US citizens would be welcomed, assisted...basically a "safe haven" for us.

At this Consulate, we were the only US citizens we saw. Everyone in line was a non-US citizen, looking to get into the USA. The security guards were Mexicans that spoke broken English. The 4 different employees, behind the bullet-proof glass, they were all Mexican citizens, with English being their second language.

We were never allowed into the Consulate. Perhaps there were US Citizens inside, we never saw or spoke with one.

I just read this ARTICLE on the Consulate. It paints a picture similar to what we experienced, no real help.

Yes, our neighbor emailed copies of our Carry Permits, as well as a few other ID's. But these were just printed out copies of scans of these cards. They hold no actual ID value. The only value they hold is to give someone a starting place to look in official records to see if we are in a computer somewhere...and I do believe they did help the Border Agent when looking us up in the computer.

With Mexican authorities, the Carry Permits would have probably caused more problems than they solved. Firearms are illegal for us to have in Mexico, and showing them would have probably intensified their desire to search every nook and cranny to see if we had a firearm or any ammo.

We are BACK!!! And we have no plans to leave the USA anytime soon!

Glad to learn you made it back to the USA safely. Hope this episode and all you have endured is a wake up call to all of us who travel .

In my own travel during my international business career I only had one bad experience in 20 years.

I was leaving Honduras , the Honduran exit guy at the airport confiscated my passport. They then arrested me and took me back to the hotel I had been stating at in San Pedro Sula.

I had free run of the hotel and the grounds and rear garden but could not leave the premises .

It took a few day's to get it all straightened out , seems I didn't have the correct departure stamp from when I had left Panama ( who knew??)

I went back to Honduras several times and never had any more problems.

Also got stopped by the police one time in Warsaw , Poland.

After a bunch of this and that, I flat out asked the guy what the problem was and why he stopped me.( I had licence plates of an Expat and he saw an opportunity to maybe make a few $$ ). his response was , that he stopped me just because he could .

I gave him a few $$ and drove off. Fookin cops .
Glad to learn you made it back to the USA safely. Hope this episode and all you have endured is a wake up call to all of us who travel .

In my own travel during my international business career I only had one bad experience in 20 years.

I was leaving Honduras , the Honduran exit guy at the airport confiscated my passport. They then arrested me and took me back to the hotel I had been stating at in San Pedro Sula.

I had free run of the hotel and the grounds and rear garden but could not leave the premises .

It took a few day's to get it all straightened out , seems I didn't have the correct departure stamp from when I had left Panama ( who knew??)

I went back to Honduras several times and never had any more problems.

Also got stopped by the police one time in Warsaw , Poland.

After a bunch of this and that, I flat out asked the guy what the problem was and why he stopped me.( I had licence plates of an Expat and he saw an opportunity to maybe make a few $$ ). his response was , that he stopped me just because he could .

I gave him a few $$ and drove off. Fookin cops .

It certainly served as a wake-up call for us! ...AND an appreciation of what we have in the USA.

Couple of interesting experiences you've had. We have a friend who experienced a similar problem with Panama...they did not even stamp his passport when he left.

Day 15-

This morning we woke up in the USA. :D

In the Casino parking lot this morning...


...today we are going from the hills outside of San Diego, CA up to the hills, a bit west of Prescott, AZ.

Stopped in Yuma, AZ. We still do not have any way to get internet, or even data for GPS or texts. We want to get a USA sim card from T-Mobile to put in our Chinese Huawei phone that we bought in Mexico...


They will not sell us a sim card without ID...which we don't have.

So, off we go. Lot's of desert and straight long roads...


...til we start getting close to Bagdad, AZ. The last 14 mile stretch before getting to the outskirts of Bagdad is twisty and hilly.

I'm looking forward to riding this on the Harley!


We meet up with Kurt (aka TonkaDriver), and he has made arrangements for us to stay in a camping area about 11 miles outside of Bagdad...


After unloading...


...we enjoyed a nice sunset...


...and then rode into town and had a nice meal with Kurt and his wife Sally.

A BIG THANK YOU from Mary and I to Kurt and Sally!!!

After the last 5 days, their hospitality, and helping us out, have really put us back on track to enjoying this trip.

Not only did Kurt have a place all permitted for us to stay at. He also lent me a firearm to have while in AZ, lent us his tablet with a hot-spot so that we could have internet access, he lent Mary his camera to take photo's with, tomorrow he is going to accept some money from the shop with his ID so that we have $ for gas and food, but most of all, both of them have welcomed us and...it is hard to put into words, but we are back on an even keel now, thanks to their help, friendship and hospitality.

I should mention, about 4-5 months ago, Kurt rode out to the shop in Red Banks, MS. We toured the shop and then talked for a few hours, bikes, roads and many other subjects.

He informed me that AZ had twisty roads, mountains & woods- a selection of great riding. I admit I was ignorant. Mary and I have always just passed thru AZ, never realizing that there was anything other than straight roads, desert, and the Grand Canyon.

That is the reason we are out here. The next couple of days he is going to show us around some great riding in AZ.

Day 16-

Kurt lent Mary his Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III camera.

It is a bit intimidating, and much larger and fancier than what Mary has been using for the last 10+ years.

But he has shown her how to use it in point & shoot mode.

Getting ready to roll out this morning...


...here's a map of what is planned...


...and a close-up of the best part, which is a little section of Old Route 66.


After lunch in Oatman, plan is to turn around and do it all again. :)

And we're off...


...oops, gotta get some gas.


Now we're rolling...


...we're on the cut-off...


...truck is doing 10 over...


...but Kurt wants to go faster. This is gonna be a fun day! :)


Shadow pic-


more in next post.

Day 16 continued-

The "cut-off" is a winding and hilly, 14 mile stretch of road...


...its' main purpose is to connect Bagdad with the "outside" world...


...and it is a fun road to ride!


Turning on to the 93...


...our first stop today is Kingman...


...and the road is a fast one...


...with a comfortable, early morning...


...desert beauty...


...and then there's Kurt. lol, couldn't resist messing with him.


A view off to the side.


Will post more of Day 16 as time permits.

Day 15-

A BIG THANK YOU from Mary and I to Kurt and Sally!!!

After the last 5 days, their hospitality, and helping us out, have really put us back on track to enjoying this trip.

Not only did Kurt have a place all permitted for us to stay at. He also lent me a firearm to have while in AZ, lent us his tablet with a hot-spot so that we could have internet access, he lent Mary his camera to take photo's with, tomorrow he is going to accept some money from the shop with his ID so that we have $ for gas and food, but most of all, both of them have welcomed us and...it is hard to put into words, but we are back on an even keel now, thanks to their help, friendship and hospitality.

I should mention, about 4-5 months ago, Kurt rode out to the shop in Red Banks, MS. We toured the shop and then talked for a few hours, bikes, roads and many other subjects.

He informed me that AZ had twisty roads, mountains & woods- a selection of great riding. I admit I was ignorant. Mary and I have always just passed thru AZ, never realizing that there was anything other than straight roads, desert, and the Grand Canyon.

That is the reason we are out here. The next couple of days he is going to show us around some great riding in AZ.


Thanks Kevin and Mary. It was our pleasure to be able to get you acquainted with a small portion of our home state. I am blessed to be surrounded with some of the best riding in the country. We didn't do anything special other than make new friends. I really think it was the solitude of your campsite that put you two back on track and helped salvage your trip. The photo I posted in the Sunrise/Sunset thread is from the campsite you were at except this time it had water.

The Twistys helped a lot I'm sure.

Thanks Kevin and Mary. It was our pleasure to be able to get you acquainted with a small portion of our home state. I am blessed to be surrounded with some of the best riding in the country. We didn't do anything special other than make new friends. I really think it was the solitude of your campsite that put you two back on track and helped salvage your trip. The photo I posted in the Sunrise/Sunset thread is from the campsite you were at except this time it had water.

The Twistys helped a lot I'm sure.


Hey, there's water in there!!! :laugh:

Yes, the twistys definitely helped, and the campsite was great, but the help and hospitality you showed really helped the most...probably more than I can communicate....but I'll try-

While I never had any doubt that we would eventually get out of Mexico...what was concerning was what would we have to go thru to get it done. To say it was not a pleasant 5 days is a massive understatement. That time sort of put us in a unfamiliar and less than positive state of mind. After a day with you guys, all that was flushed out and we were back to fully enjoying our trip. Thanks!

Day 16 continued-

A view off to the other side of the road...


...and straight ahead.


We're going to be stopping in Kingman...


...getting close...


...we're going to the Walmart here...


...Lela, has been ready to send us $ for the last week. But we cannot receive it with no ID. So she is sending it here, in Kurt's name, so we will have enough $ to get home. :)


Got it done! Back on the road...


...for just a bit, before we stop to fill up the tanks. That was fast, now waiting for a line of 8 bikes to pull out ahead of us...


...our turn now...


...back rolling now...


More in next post.

Day 16 continued-

...just a little bit more interstate...


...before we get on Old Route 66...


...The Mother Road.


We started this trip, a couple of weeks ago, on Old Route 66. We did not know that Kurt would be taking us back on it today.


It is deceptively straight for awhile...


...a look back...


...but it is not long before...


...Kurt waves us to go ahead...


...it looks like we are getting to the fun part...


Yep. :)


More in next post.

Day 16 Continued-

I think Mary is getting pretty comfortable with Kurt's fancy camera.

It definitely takes better photos than the $100 point & shoots she's been using.


We're just getting started...


...fun ahead sign...


...dunno why...


...but roads like these...


...are a big part of...


...what makes riding fun for myself and Mary.


How did I never ride this road before????


Kurt gave me a heads up about the burros...


...a look back.


More of Day 16 as time allows.

Day 16 continued-

Oh yeah...


...this is a great road!


A look back at the curve we just came out of...


...and ahead at the next one...


...and a look off the side of the road!


Quite a view as we...


...pass a fellow traveler...


...on the way up to Sitgreaves Pass (elevation 3586 ft.)


A view from the pass...


...and a look at some of the fun ahead, as we go down toward Oatman.


More in next post.

Day 16 continued-

I sure was wrong all those years...


...when I only thought of Arizona as a place to pass thru to get to good riding.


I am having a blast...


...and Kurt said these great roads...


...are just a warm-up for what we'll be riding tomorrow.


A look back-


Remember those hot wheels tracks that you can make all kind of crazy curves and loops?


:) :) :)


Another look back...and checkout the switchbacks ahead too!


What a great day to be riding!


More in next post.

Day 16 continued-

Yep, bike is dirty on Historic Route 66 as we...


...pull into Oatman, AZ.


What's this...


...there are burro's everywhere...


...and a lot of them!


This is where we're going to park. We have insurance if they decide to gnaw or kick. :)


Kurt says they'll be ok.


Time for some lunch and refreshment!


This is as far as we were followed. lol


This looks like a good place to sit.


More of Day 16 as time allows.


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