i need real help advice?

Im asking the brothers of TT for advice?

im in wyoming where i have lost the wife of 35 years and recently my mom.

Dont go there please, no expressions of empathy, ok?

Here is the deal, i need to go somewhere warm i can ride my trike at least most of the year?

Texas? i never been there, but dosent SEEM to fit?

I have been in utah and arizona lately buy i really hate the dessert.

where can i go that i have warmer temps. ( IE shorter winters ) than what i experience here in wyoming/

Im an old mountain boy and need pines etc.

my medical conditions demand i have a good hospital and doctors available.

( Im not even rich ! ) Not even close! keep that in mind?

so i need affordable housing, I need to sell two homes before i can even get serious.

there must be places south of me that have what im looking for, i just dont know the extent of the country inside these states.

i have been in North carolina and visited wheels through time motorcycle museum in Waynsville and the smoky mountains along with the dragon highway just blew me away its beauty is phenomenal, a rain forest with a road cut through it? High humidity effects my breathing as much as sub zero weather. even As much as 100 degree weather?

Help me move south because i have only seen small parts of it?

Please give me ideas where i can go to meet my criteria of climate, health care and pines?

i will miss my mountains of wyoming, grizzly bears etc. But i want out please.

please consider all i ask before answering?
I can tell you that New Mexico weather may not fit, wind and dust is an issue. I have a sister that lives in Dalton, Ga, not to bad for weather. Elijay, GA area is nice.
Georgia is definitely the ticket. If it wasn't for the wife and grandkids, I would be there now. Great rides, many rural areas and the mountains that you wish seeing. Has a temperate climatic, that you can practically ride all year.


Georgia remains among the top 10 tax-friendly states for retirees, as ranked by Kiplinger in 2017. Social Security income is exempt from state taxes, as is up to $35,000 of most types of retirement income for anyone age 62 to 64. When retirees hit 65, the exemption is $65,000 per taxpayer.

Seems like a win-win for you Paul!
Georgia is really nice, especially N Georgia, pretty good tax structure especially for seniors. However, their sales tax is 7% or above even on groceries, but taken as a whole, probably an OK tax structure when compared to most states. Florida is not for you, the humidity thing, but you probably already know that. Cheers and good luck.

I'm in a similar situation regarding personal losses, so I understand the desire to "move on".

There are many warmer places in the country in fall and winter than WY. or NH., but none will have the same wildlife, flora or fauna, that we have in our respective areas.

I realize the above as reality, and therefore won't suggest anywhere specific you should look, only what I'm thinking of doing. I realize it ain't worth a pisshole in the snow when it comes to your situation, and it is meant only as something to think about while and until you've made a decision on your next move.

I'm dealing with some medical issues that forced me to stay the winter up north this year, but come hell or high water, I'll be going south next winter!

I'm thinking of trying to keep the dwelling I'm in now, and either rent or buy a trailer, (not camper), in Florida.

The time I'm planning on spending in FL., (Dec.>mid April), will let me escape the harsh winter here and the high summer humidity of full timing it in Florida, as I will return to NH for the other 7-1/2 months of the year.

There are good hospitals and doctors in Florida, and the VA healthcare system is reportedly much better than it was 10 years ago.

If you love WY. why not sell one property and use that funding to buy an escape property?

If your desire is to make a clean break and vacate WY. permanently, then obviously sell both.

Whichever route you take, and since you seem undecided on your next location, why not simply rent a place in your desired locale for a year? and then decide if it "fits" you and your needs? It would suck to rush into a decision only to find out the place you thought would be perfect, has too many flaws to live comfortably/safely in.

Tough spot to be in but if your desire to move is strong, you'll figure it out!

Best of luck to you, Friend...
As others have said, North Georgia fits all your needs. Check it out.

Good luck in your search .......
Paul, here is another thought. My wife & I pull our Tri in a trailer and decide where we want to go. Then we find a rental for a week or so and pull the Tri down there. Gives us time to check every thing out. We even talked to a realtor while we were there and got a lot of community info from him. At the end of the week, head for the next location & repeat. It gives you a "snapshot" of a location, to see if it has what you are looking for. We have used Vbro but there are probably others that specialize in the rental thing. Usually cheaper that a motel & you can do some of your own meals. Best of luck to you!
I have to add my vote for North Georgia. not always good for year round riding but you will have most of the year. I am in South Ga and do ride year round but the humidity here can get pretty bad.
My vote would be for the Hill Country of Texas. Great riding there. I am in Ohio & would move but wife's Mom is 95, so we need to stay here.

Check out the Kerrville, area of Tx. About 70 miles west of San Antonio.
Paul ... sell the houses ... get a RV or Toy hauler ... register in one of those Texas resorts that give you a residential address and forward your mail (no income tax) ... then go where the wind takes ya ... :D ... that was my plan before the bankruptcy put the whole plan on hold ... now I'm taking care of Mom ... so still on the back burner.
My vote would be for the Hill Country of Texas. Great riding there. I am in Ohio & would move but wife's Mom is 95, so we need to stay here.

Check out the Kerrville, area of Tx. About 70 miles west of San Antonio.

You might want to get that toyhauler so you can be up north when summer hits... Texas is HOT in the summer months - dry air in west Texas, humidity everywhere else in Texas.

People like to say “but it is a dry heat in west Texas so it doesn’t feel as hot as humidity”...HA!...I lived out there from 1971 - 2019. HOT is HOT under that direct sun! Now I’m back to close to where I started...San Antonio....humidity is HOT! But summer riding is done in the mornings...you need to be back in the house by 1:00pm. Too many deer to ride at night.

But 78* ain’t bad riding temp in the winter - as it was TODAY! Of course not all days are this warm in the winter but a good number are...
Stunningly beautiful

We moved back to North Carolina from Florida 12 years ago .

Typically our seasons are 12 to 14 weeks long , so it's never too cold, or hot too long. We do get the occasional snow, but it's gone in a day or two. Summers can be hot and the humidity can get up there but it's mostly reasonable. It is the south after all.

Here in the Piedmont region we are about 3 hours from the coast , so Hurricane's and bad storms don't usually affect us .

We are about and hours ride to the BRP .

We live in a smaller town just outside Winston Salem , it's 11 miles to some of the best health care and hospitals We have ever found.

Wake Forrest university is here and the down town is vibrant with any type of entertainment you could imagine. There is a very good sized artist group in town.

The motorcycle culture is great, we have a nice HD store and all the other brands are also here.

Real estate is still affordable , taxes are reasonable .An example from my own home , We live in a semi rural area but in an older development. Our lot is about a 1/2 acre , the house is 1800 sq ft.+- the yearly tax bill is about $1400.

Our town has 15,000 residents , and if I want to see horses or cows they are just around the corner. :)

You might check NC out as a place to retire.