Rainy Day Question....?

rhino 2

100000 + Posts
Gold Member
I Had a question that i wanted to ask that i needed some help with on getting the right answer...

And so i figured if anyone would know the right answer to help me with my question would be someone on Trike-Talk they would know what the right answer is.....

Now herein lies the problem, I forgot what the question was that i wanted to ask and needed help on..?...

Has Anyone have any idea as to what the question was that i needed an answer to that i wanted to ask might be about...:Shrug:....:xzqxz:....
I knew what the question was. But, by the time I scrolled down to the "Reply" button, I forgot what you were asking. So, I kept scrolling up and down trying to remember but each time, I keep forgetting...... I think. Dang, I dunooooo..... Jim (I think)
I knew what the question was. But, by the time I scrolled down to the "Reply" button, I forgot what you were asking. So, I kept scrolling up and down trying to remember but each time, I keep forgetting...... I think. Dang, I dunooooo..... Jim (I think)

You’re worser than me A lot help you are😱 Well at least you’re trying thank you for that:).
The question was "Did I forget to take my meds". :Shrug:

The answer is "YES". :Joker3:

Bill might be hitting on something there one of the pills I take is for improving memory but I keep on forgetting to take that one🙄..
Those pills don't help shingles anyway. :) especially helpful if you have Ez pass. I forgot the question but I think I answered it.:clapping:
This reminded me I need to take my own medication thanks lol

Fred ......You're welcome ....When i started this i never realized it would turn into a Public Service Message....:clapping:....

But i still like to know what my question was gonna be had i remembered what my question was..:Shrug:...
Fred ......You're welcome ....When i started this i never realized it would turn into a Public Service Message....:clapping:....

But i still like to know what my question was gonna be had i remembered what my question was..:Shrug:...

See you are such a wonderful person and you have a ❤ of a Saint question what err question was that....
See you are such a wonderful person and you have a ❤ of a Saint question what err question was that....

See you forget it also....Someone out there in Trike-Talk Land must have an idea so as to what the question would have been had i not forgotten what the question i was gonna ask' Was..:xzqxz:.
See you forget it also....Someone out there in Trike-Talk Land must have an idea so as to what the question would have been had i not forgotten what the question i was gonna ask' Was..:xzqxz:.

Yes....I think how well.....
The question was..................................................... Crap, I forgot already
Dang Bob, I've thought long and hard on what the question you wanted to ask to get an answer to but now I'm questioning myself as to what the question really might be... but I think the answer might be Moon Pie...
Dang Bob, I've thought long and hard on what the question you wanted to ask to get an answer to but now I'm questioning myself as to what the question really might be... but I think the answer might be Moon Pie...

Ahh, The infamous Moon Pie.....Naw I'm sure i wound't forget that horrible episode south of the Ten Mile River....Nope it twas'ing that... :Shrug:...
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