Question About SUPERTRAPP Exhaust - Soliciting Opinions

Hi All,
I know the question "which muffler does everyone like" and similarly, the question "which muffler is best for our Tri-Glides" has been asked a thousand times here. And I'm sure I may have missed one or two responses to them in my readings. But you should know me better by now not to ask again without first checking the site. Or to be so generalized and (ahem) short about it. There's a lot of great information regarding this subject here but I really don't see the brand SUPERTRAPP mentioned too much, if at all. Also, a lot of us are new Trikers and/or have the latest model, and we all know how fast products become outdated.

So if you don't mind, I'd like a turn at this please.

First thing I'd like to ask is if you or anyone you know has any real world personal experience with the SUPERTRAPP brand. Things like quality, build, performance characteristics, sound, etc. I have been a devout Vance & Hines guy simply because the dealer endorses them, and is usually who I get to do my installs. This time I am breaking free from that and besides relying on you all, am on my own this time. And I know nothing about this company.

I'm particularly interested in the 4" Stouts. And to make things harder for us, I'm learning these actually come in two flavors, the Spertrapp and Kerker versions. And since the claimed performance and decibel numbers are so close between these two models, to save a couple bucks and get a little more volume I have concentrated my focus on the Kerker version. Maybe because I'd be flat out lying if I told you that in all honesty, it doesn't matter to me if my replacement mufflers are "louder" than the stock ones. Performance is first, but sound is what we all like, and what turns heads. I know originally I said I was going to be respectable and good this time and not get crazy with the mods but the voices in my head keep asking me "why change now?".

They are not cheap, but then neither are the V&H models I purchased in the past.

So, that's where we are then, do you know anything about the mufflers I have finally put at the top of my list as replacements and what do you think about them, and their performance claims?

Here are a couple links to help see what I am talking about:

I appreciate all your comments and hope to see some serious replies from the heavy hitters here that know a thing or two about performance and what you all think of these mufflers.

Keep in mind, I haven't installed it yet, but I have a gutted head pipe waiting in the wings (I may have it ceramic coated), and I'd like to go with a new Air Cleaner (probably what everyone else is using) and a tuner (again, to keep it simple for me, one that I can understand and one that I can use to revert everything back to stock if I ever want to in the future). I would seriously appreciate all opinions on these items too!

If this Trike ran cooler from the factory none of this would be happening and I would be spending all this money on trips to far away places on my new Trike, but alas, I can't stand the heat and this seems to be one of the more modest routes to make things cooler for me and for the Trike.
Thank you,
Supertrapp makes some good exhaust, I run their Supermeg on my 06 Ultra Classic and love it. I think either the Kerker or Supertrapp one will work, however the Kerker will be much louder than the Supertrapp. A person may thing a couple db is a little difference, its actually a lot because db isn't liner. Both of these mufflers will be quite loud, the 95 db of the Supertrapp Stout will be some considerable noise.
The Harley Fatshotz are Supertrapps sold by Harley.

Cool, thanks, I went to the H-D website and saw they are about $200. cheaper than the cheapest 4" Kerker Stout prices I found online, and $100. cheaper than the Fatshots on the Supertrapp website. I don't think you can change the end caps on the Fatshots though.

have Fatshotz set up on my 11 Trike to my liking. (I gutted the cat and this made the mufflers louder.

Hmmm, sounds like a plus to me but I can understand and appreciate not wanting it "too loud". I like quiet, but when I want to get loud I like being able to. The videos I am seeing of the Stouts seem to have this ability.

Thanks pettifogger1, I appreciate your comments and direction. I think it's cool that you can change out the discs to suit your taste.
Supertrapp makes some good exhaust, I run their Supermeg on my 06 Ultra Classic and love it.

That's music to my ears, especially from you. Like I said, I know nothing about this comapany.

I think either the Kerker or Supertrapp one will work

Yea, I checked the site, says both will fit (if that's what you meant). Or maybe you mean as in something very pleasing "that works!" lol.

however the Kerker will be much louder than the Supertrapp

And my thought is, if it is considerably louder than the stock muffler and I do experience performance increases that are definitely noticeable, I may not go any further with the exhaust mods and change direction, with a parade fan, and oil cooler. Would sure be a cheap point to switch.

Both of these mufflers will be quite loud, the 95 db of the Supertrapp Stout will be some considerable noise

I know, and that's exactly why I want to get as many opinions as possible about these. Add the gutted head pipe, AC and tuner and I could wind up too loud.

Thanks msocko3! I appreciate the input. Where did you buy yours? Any suggestions on who I should buy from?

Hi All,
I know the question "which muffler does everyone like" and similarly, the question "which muffler is best for our Tri-Glides" has been asked a thousand times here. And I'm sure I may have missed one or two responses to them in my readings. But you should know me better by now not to ask again without first checking the site. Or to be so generalized and (ahem) short about it. There's a lot of great information regarding this subject here but I really don't see the brand SUPERTRAPP mentioned too much, if at all. Also, a lot of us are new Trikers and/or have the latest model, and we all know how fast products become outdated.

So if you don't mind, I'd like a turn at this please.

First thing I'd like to ask is if you or anyone you know has any real world personal experience with the SUPERTRAPP brand. Things like quality, build, performance characteristics, sound, etc. I have been a devout Vance & Hines guy simply because the dealer endorses them, and is usually who I get to do my installs. This time I am breaking free from that and besides relying on you all, am on my own this time. And I know nothing about this company.

I'm particularly interested in the 4" Stouts. And to make things harder for us, I'm learning these actually come in two flavors, the Spertrapp and Kerker versions. And since the claimed performance and decibel numbers are so close between these two models, to save a couple bucks and get a little more volume I have concentrated my focus on the Kerker version. Maybe because I'd be flat out lying if I told you that in all honesty, it doesn't matter to me if my replacement mufflers are "louder" than the stock ones. Performance is first, but sound is what we all like, and what turns heads. I know originally I said I was going to be respectable and good this time and not get crazy with the mods but the voices in my head keep asking me "why change now?".

They are not cheap, but then neither are the V&H models I purchased in the past.

So, that's where we are then, do you know anything about the mufflers I have finally put at the top of my list as replacements and what do you think about them, and their performance claims?

Here are a couple links to help see what I am talking about:

I appreciate all your comments and hope to see some serious replies from the heavy hitters here that know a thing or two about performance and what you all think of these mufflers.

Keep in mind, I haven't installed it yet, but I have a gutted head pipe waiting in the wings (I may have it ceramic coated), and I'd like to go with a new Air Cleaner (probably what everyone else is using) and a tuner (again, to keep it simple for me, one that I can understand and one that I can use to revert everything back to stock if I ever want to in the future). I would seriously appreciate all opinions on these items too!

If this Trike ran cooler from the factory none of this would be happening and I would be spending all this money on trips to far away places on my new Trike, but alas, I can't stand the heat and this seems to be one of the more modest routes to make things cooler for me and for the Trike.
Thank you,
I have the supertrapp stouts on my 2010 tri glide I love them. Sounds is a deep throatly sound. not loud at all in my opionon. My supertrapp megaphone mufflers are loud not the stout.

I did find a increase in heat. but I did have the big sucka air cleaner already installed and nighriders XIED on the O2 sensors. So I made a tweek to the XIED and the heat went down and I have noticed a increase in performance. More when the weather is cooler.

I still have my cat but thats another project down the rode

At idle you really cannot tell the stouts from stock until you turn the throttle.

Oh got mine off ebay for a fraction on the list price.

Probably down the rode when I save some cash I will use a tuner but for now I am happy with the setup

Hope that helps.
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I have the supertrapp stouts on my 2010 tri glide I love them. Sounds is a deep throatly sound. not loud at all in my opionon. My supertrapp megaphone mufflers are loud not the stout.

Way cool, this is exactly the kind of response I was looking for. More positive feedback. And I know loudness is all relative, and what is loud to one person may not be to another, so I understand there is a some grey area in all of this but more real life actual accounts is exactly what I was looking for.

I did find a increase in heat.

Hmmm, I wonder if that's because they (claim to) offer higher performance over stock mufflers? Wow, my main reason for all of this is to reduce the heat. But then too, I am in the beginning stages and a tuner will be another mod along with the AC and gutted head pipe.

At idle you really cannot tell the stouts from stock until you turn the throttle.

This is what I am seeing on the videos too, interesting. Would mean cruising speeds would also not be too harsh on the ears. Really what I am after, something that you know is there but only when you want to know it.

Oh got mine off ebay for a fraction on the list price.

Tried that already, no luck there but Amazon has them at the next to best price of one other place I saw, and didn't recognize.

Thanks trikermutha. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
Way cool, this is exactly the kind of response I was looking for. More positive feedback. And I know loudness is all relative, and what is loud to one person may not be to another, so I understand there is a some grey area in all of this but more real life actual accounts is exactly what I was looking for.

Hmmm, I wonder if that's because they (claim to) offer higher performance over stock mufflers? Wow, my main reason for all of this is to reduce the heat. But then too, I am in the beginning stages and a tuner will be another mod along with the AC and gutted head pipe.

This is what I am seeing on the videos too, interesting. Would mean cruising speeds would also not be too harsh on the ears. Really what I am after, something that you know is there but only when you want to know it.

Tried that already, no luck there but Amazon has them at the next to best price of one other place I saw, and didn't recognize.

Thanks trikermutha. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
Hey Rob no problem. I think the increase in heat was due to the more in and out and makes it run more lean. So the tweek of the AFR did help but I know more tuning would help. but for now I am happy.

If you want that not to loud but deep throat sound while running at highway speeds the stouts you will like.

I got lucky someone put them on there bike and took them off with little run time. So I good them at a great price on ebay.

I think they are just a bit louder than the stock pipes.

I think I got them from M&M cycle in Ohio
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"Cool, thanks, I went to the H-D website and saw they are about $200. cheaper than the cheapest 4" Kerker Stout prices I found online, and $100. cheaper than the Fatshots on the Supertrapp website. I don't think you can change the end caps on the Fatshots though."

The Harleys come with a "security" screw to supposedly keep them EPA compliant. The screw is easily removed with an Allen wrench with a hole in the middle. Available at most auto parts stores. When I bought the disc kit to help tune the mufflers, the kit came with the Allen wrench to remove the screw. Once out, just use a regular Allen screw and you will have to problems removing the screws and adding or removing discs.
Well, if it (the heat) goes up, I am in trouble. I am a little crazy and like to wear shorts down at the beach when I ride and it was almost unbearable. I am hoping to reduce it as much as I can to help with long summer rides and riding in traffic which is almost always the case with larger events.

Thanks again for posting. Maybe I'll check out M&M anyway and see if they are willing to work a deal. Otherwise, I will paying $602.00 off of amazon. And that doesn't include the special end caps I want.

The Harleys come with a "security" screw

Yea, I saw that. I wonder if that why they are cheaper? If you go to the Supertrapp website the same mufflers come with the disc kit and all the instructions on what adding/removing discs do for the bike. They list that info right on the site.

Weird. Guess H-D is scared to let us make up our own minds, but not so much to weld that screw in place.

Well, if it (the heat) goes up, I am in trouble. I am a little crazy and like to wear shorts down at the beach when I ride and it was almost unbearable. I am hoping to reduce it as much as I can to help with long summer rides and riding in traffic which is almost always the case with larger events.

Thanks again for posting. Maybe I'll check out M&M anyway and see if they are willing to work a deal. Otherwise, I will paying $602.00 off of amazon. And that doesn't include the special end caps I want.

What kind of end caps are you looking at buying? The stout stock caps look good to me!

As long as you retune your bike when you change the air cleaner and mufflers the heat goes away. In my case I cheated and used the XIED from nightrider that fools the O2 sensors/ECM

Man I stopped wearing shorts on bikes years ago tired of burning my legs all the time.LOL

Oh M&M are really nice people to deal with..

anyway good luck and always have fun!!
What kind of end caps are you looking at buying? The stout stock caps look good to me!

As long as you retune your bike when you change the air cleaner and mufflers the heat goes away. In my case I cheated and used the XIED from nightrider that fools the O2 sensors/ECM

Man I stopped wearing shorts on bikes years ago tired of burning my legs all the time.LOL

Oh M&M are really nice people to deal with..

anyway good luck and always have fun!!
Hey Rob..What about these??

Supertrapp Stout Slip-ons Chrome - 140-65224 - For 10-12 Touring | eBay

good luck
I kinda like the Claw's.......It's between them or the black afterburners........yea the stock caps are nice too, but I'd like to be a little different.

Yea, a re-tune would be mandatory after a new AC and gutted head pipe. Not sure which one yet though.

Well, I am most comfortable when it's around 50 degrees outside so I like to wear my shorts. Of course I still wear steel toe, waterproof combat boots to protect my piggies.

Thanks for the help man.

Hey Rob..What about these??
Supertrapp Stout Slip-ons Chrome - 140-65224 - For 10-12 Touring | eBay

Hmmmm, I think that is the wrong part number. These are for up to an 09', I need part number 140-78226. I bet I will call this place though and ask them if they have mine at this price, if so it's a done deal.

Thanks a lot Bro!!!!!!!
Hey Trikermutha,
I just called them, "Direct Harley Parts" in Corona, Ca. and they do have the Kerker Stouts for $529.95, free shipping, and no tax. So I am placing this order tomorrow!

Man, thanks a lot, you just saved me 75 bucks. The cold ones are on me when we meet!

The have the end caps in stock too. They are a price each item and not cheap so they may have to wait a while. $86. each for the Claws.
Hey Trikermutha,
I just called them, "Direct Harley Parts" in Corona, Ca. and they do have the Kerker Stouts for $529.95, free shipping, and no tax. So I am placing this order tomorrow!

Man, thanks a lot, you just saved me 75 bucks. The cold ones are on me when we meet!

The have the end caps in stock too. They are a price each item and not cheap so they may have to wait a while. $86. each for the Claws.
Hey are u going with the kerker stouts then?? the other number is the supertrapp stouts.

Anyway glad I helped

What are the part numbers for the claws.I like to see them..
Hey are u going with the kerker stouts then?? the other number is the supertrapp stouts.

Anyway glad I helped

What are the part numbers for the claws.I like to see them..
Hey Rob

You do realize the Kerker Stouts are louder than the Supertrapp stouts??

On the supertrapp web site download there catalog and go to page 4 I think it is and see the chart..That is why I sent you the other number..

Anyway..your bike..Have fun..
Those Supertrapp mufflers are nice and I will have to look at those more closely when I change out my exhaust in the spring.

But I have a question I hope someone can answer.

Assume that I change out my header to the fuelmoto catless header. If I want to keep the noise down as much as possible, would I be better off using a set of mufflers for an '09 and earlier bike even though I have a 2012 bike? Or is there a fitment difference between '09 and earlier mufflers and '10 and later versons?

My guess is that the '10 and later mufflers have less baffling / packing in them since they are designed to be used with catalytic headers. Using these mufflers on a bike with catless or gutted headers would result in a louder tone than otherwise designed.

Can someone help me out?

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