"fixing" gouges and chips

The trike has seen its share of gouges and chips in 68,000 miles. Planning on rattle can fixes. What can I do for the bigger gouges and chips? Should I fill them in before painting?

Thanks in advance.
Advance Auto Parts recommended Bondo Hair, long strand reinforced fiberglass filler. I will report back on my experience.
I got the whole aqua shields sprayed with the black spray thing on the whole aqua shield.
If you get this thing painted, you would be riding these bikes.

RIDE SAFE.............................................................LET ME KNOW HOW YOU WORK OUT.
I've "drop/filled" the chips with touch-up paint. When dry, I run the buffer over it with compound until the new paint "melts" into the chip. You have to take care with the buffer, as you can burn through the paint, but this is the method I've used for years.
Been wondering about that for years. Is it possible to hand buff to get the drop filled to meld with the original paint? By the way, still trying to figure out how to 'subscribe' in this new format. Guess I'm missing the button.....
I can't imagine getting the touch paint to "melt" into the chip without damaging the surrounding paint. Be very careful!
If you can afford this:
LineX has a semi-smooth bed liner like coating that can be sprayed on all forward facing surfaces of your trike. Color match available for some colors.
One friend has his gold trike done w/black LineX and was taped off to give a flame look. Came out very nice!
Also, the color of your bike is also going to "determine" how well the "fix" will be. Some colors you can blend using touch up fairly well. With some colors, regardless of method, a touch up will show. This is why I don't do paint myself, way way too much headache with it!!!