just started

just found the site. i built my vw trike 4 years ago. love it. bought a fiberglass body and frame to start building my wife one. would like any feedback on your builds and parts used! This is a roller with motor and transaxle thats it. Also in the 4 years riding in central IL. i only have seen a few other vw trikes. Is there anyone out there? :cxtv: Thanks
Welcome to Trike Talk from Oklahoma!!! I have a vw trike with the fiberglass body and i love it.. I am in the process of changing my foot T bar to a platform for better foot positioning while i'm riding and just did a motor rebuild you can see some photos of it in my photo albums.

Ride Safe!!!
just found the site. i built my vw trike 4 years ago. love it. bought a fiberglass body and frame to start building my wife one. would like any feedback on your builds and parts used! This is a roller with motor and transaxle thats it. Also in the 4 years riding in central IL. i only have seen a few other vw trikes. Is there anyone out there? :cxtv: Thanks

Welcome to TT from your fellow Texas members!!! There are several VW based trikes around here. I bet you'll get some good ideas!!

There is a gob of experience here and our members are always willing to share. We hope you also pass on your stories and knowledge. TrikeTalk is by far the best trike focused bulletin board and you’ll find the members and admin folks the friendliest there are.

When you get settled in, check out Trike Owners International, T.O.I., you may find it a good fit. We'd love to have you with us!!

Again, WELCOME !!! :xszpv::xszpv:
Welcome Sldtrike and greetings from Long Island. Not in your area, but I have a VW trike also. Used for backup. When running.
thanks to all. trike 5-28-12 001.JPG Here is a pic of my ongoing build