Update - Haste Maker's Wife Has Passed

I was sorry to hear about your wife...

Update about my wife...she passed away last thursday

I understand your loss and I will be praying for you at this trying time. Your Trike Talk triker family is with you and regardless of the loneliness your loss creates, you are not alone! Our hearts are with you bro, and may our Heavenly Father show you His compassion and His love, compassion that never gives up and love that never dies! AMEN!
Chaplain Dave, aka CD
Update about my wife...she passed away last thursday

Haste Maker,
I am deeply sorry for your loss and I can't imagine what you are going thru now. I do wish you God's peace, strength and love to get you thru each day as hard as each one may be and for you to be surrounded by loving friends and family to support you in this unimaginable time.
Very very sorry. I'm not very good at the proper words. I would be devastated. Hang in there
I am so sorry for your loss. Your wife is crystallized in every tear drop. She lives inside your laughter....And she's the map you follow with every ride you take. She's your first love and nothing on earth can separate you... not time.....not space....not even death!
May the Lord bless you and give you peace and comfort.