Prayer Request

I really appreciate the prayers and believe they will help.

Yep ... the waiting (not knowing) is the toughest. Also a little concerning a "see" the speed things are happening (8 days from reported to seeing a doctor after the CAT Scan).

I don't think the eye thing is "pink eye". I've had that and it's usually accompanied by eye itching tr burning.

I got a call from the nurse this afternoon "checking up on me". That's never happened before except after surgery the day after I went home.

We discussed the eye matting up, the headaches, and the "feeling" tired. She seems to think there is some kind of infection going on that my body is fighting to the degree that nothing is showing up on labs. Guess it could be, but, we'll see.

I also told her that I believed it (the knot) has gotten bigger since I first called in on the 10th. I also told her it could be that since I'm "touching it much more, that I could be "imagining it all" ... LOL. She told me that it's good that my doctor is pushing to get this stuff done soon. What does all that mean??? Who knows.

So what did Alan do today. Got Harley loaded up and went to get me 2 double packs of fish food (2 months worth), 8 24 packs of diet soda (Safeway had them on sale for $5.99 a case, no limit). After that, I got the Jeep washed and we went for a ride to let Harley bark at things and let the Jeep dry well so it would not freeze closed tonight, gonna be 8* for the low.

When I got home, I broke out the PS3 and played the Tiger Woods golf game (I just love kicking his b$tt). :D
Sooner the better with anything medical. I hate waiting. So the quicker they do stuff the less stressful it is with me. Just keep a positive mind. They very well may be able to get things going quicker than usual because no one wants to do this kind of stuff at this time of year, has nothing to do with what you think it might be. See, I'm always thinking positive, or trying to.:clapping::clapping::clapping: So stop that worrying and have fun getting this over with fast.:D:D:D Still keep you in my thoughts and prayers though. That certainly will help. See, more positive thoughts.:):):)
Sooner the better with anything medical. I hate waiting. So the quicker they do stuff the less stressful it is with me. Just keep a positive mind. They very well may be able to get things going quicker than usual because no one wants to do this kind of stuff at this time of year, has nothing to do with what you think it might be. See, I'm always thinking positive, or trying to.:clapping::clapping::clapping: So stop that worrying and have fun getting this over with fast.:D:D:D Still keep you in my thoughts and prayers though. That certainly will help. See, more positive thoughts.:):):)

Pretty much what I was thinking and hoping.. docs wanting to get this tended to so their holiday schedule will be as light as possible so they can hopefully enjoy their holidays too.

CAT Scan

Okay ... so went to see the doc ... the CAT Scan showed nothing "Hard". The Pathologist and my doctor both think it's some sort of weird viral thing in the Jaw joint. There was no cancer and no tumors ... so that't a good thing.

My doc consulted an ENT doc and he recommended a culture be done on some of the "fluid" in the joint.

As you can imagine, getting a sample of fluid from your jaw pivot isn't terribly easy. In fact, a needle was pushed into the pivot and a little fluid was removed, not a lot of fun. That is gonna be cultured and the results sent to the ENT, who I'll go see in around 2-3 weeks. Now that tumors and the Big "C" have been eliminated, the sense of urgency is diminished somewhat.

All the docs involved seem to think once the viral thing runs it's course, the "knot" will go away and so will the rest of the symptoms. The culture and ENT visit is a precaution to verify the viral nature.

As is the Doctors nature, I was given a Nuro Vaccine? (some kind of pneumonia shot). Totally unrelated, but, since I am susceptible to pneumonia, and my last one was expired ... another poke.

So, I guess I'm gonna live. :D God's not done with me yet.
Good to hear!

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program. :clapping:
So, I guess I'm gonna live. :D God's not done with me yet.

So the prayers worked but you got more to learn as far as God is concerned. That's the way I always look at things anyway. We stay in Hell until we learn what we are supposed to learn. Some don't think we are already in Hell but I do. I can see where if everything seems just peachy you wouldn't think but it's how I see it.
So the prayers worked but you got more to learn as far as God is concerned. That's the way I always look at things anyway. We stay in Hell until we learn what we are supposed to learn. Some don't think we are already in Hell but I do. I can see where if everything seems just peachy you wouldn't think but it's how I see it.

God allows trials in our life. I believe He does this to "mold" us into what he want's us to be. Kind of like a general contractor. A general contractor "orchestrates" his team to get all the pieces to fit properly to build his project. God uses trials in our lives to "form" us into the shapes that He needs us to be so we will "fit" in His Heaven.

Like so many times in my life, this trial has left me "wanting" ... I try and try to just do as James said and "Consider it all Joy", but, I generally fail. I sometimes try to "take control" and almost always worry about things more than I should. I try to write it off as "Human Nature", but, in reality ... it's my human failures.
Look upon this episode as 'good news' from on High, a test of sorts, having disposed of the Big C thing, relax and have faith the Good has treated you well and will continue. Not getting my subscriptions for some reason, so have come here an search for fuzzy.

Welp ... yesterday was very unpleasant. The "knot" seemed to be larger and my head was throbbing all day and the right eye was watering. Had a hard time getting to sleep, but, finally was able to with a Tylenol PM.

This morning the "knot" didn't seem to have changed at all, if anything, maybe a little smaller. It's really hard to tell since looking at it in the mirror doesn't show it. It's got to be "felt". Probably because of the beard and the chubby face I have. Anyway, this morning the throbbing started up along with the right eye tearing up again. When mom woke, she said I looked "grey". Not sure I noticed that when I looked in the mirror, but I'm learning not to argue (well ... most of the time). So she has taken to calling me "Mr. Grey" from the Stephen King book, Dream Catcher. At some point I will get even, but, for now, her playing with the nick name keeps her off my back about it (She thinks I should go to the ER every day until they fix it ... not how the military medical system works ... In that case ... the "Squeaky Wheel just gets shot!. ... LOL)

Around noon I decided to go to the VA's version of an emergency room "acute care". Some to appease mom and some for my own concerns. My concern was that if it got worse over the New Year's break, then maybe I'd spend lots of time in an ER somewhere as the VA's shuts down.

The doc there said based on what he can see, and what's been done, he still believes it is a viral infection thing. Again, not much they can do, but, he did give me a run of Erythromycin to help keep the bacterial effects of having a viral infection at bay (he also got a run of lab works again ... they called later and all is still looking good). The way he explained it, like having a head cold that works it's way into the chest. What ever caused the head cold probably didn't cause the chest cold. So basically, he is giving me the antibiotic to treat possible symptoms. Couldn't hurt I suppose. Although, I'm not a big fan of antibiotics, while in the Persian Gulf I got a fungus in my lungs and was on antibiotics for 6 months to get rid of it. Now ... antibiotics play havoc with my digestion .. and I'll leave it at that.

I have appointments with the eye doctor to eliminate the eyes as a possible cause (I also have glaucoma), and an appointment with my allergist to eliminate my allergies as a cause. Still waiting for an appointment to be scheduled with the ENT. I'm not complaining about the delay's, I've been involved with "military medical" my whole life. LOL ... as far as I remember, I've only been to a civilian doctor when I was in High School and dislocated both knees. Even then, I was sent to the Local ER, and they transferred me to a Naval hospital for the corrective surgery. Having all this experience, I've learned to be patient. The phrase "Hurry up and wait!" comes to mind. LOL. I bring my ear buds and listen to audio books ... :D

So that is where we stand ... again ... good news ... not anything "life threatening", but annoying as all get out. I joined Amazon Prime for a month ... Basically for Christmas shopping ... and I did get a set of pretty dark sun glasses for $10. They are very helpful when I need to go outside or to anywhere except my house. Since this started if have been very sensitive to bright lights. I don't think I've gone anywhere except doc appointments, allergy shots, and Christmas Eve and Christmas to a couple social events (the folks there were very accommodating ... even at Red Lobster ... they sat us in a darker corner). Actually the worst was the CAT scan, it was done in a very bright room ... and I couldn't wear my sun glasses ... LOL. I did go to Einstein's for coffee and a bagel, while waiting for my next appointment, and wore my sun glasses while there.

If anything changes ... I'll keep you informed. So far ... so good.
Dang Alan, I know it us a hurry up and wait game (typical military) but I hope and pray they it straightened out before long for you!
Praying for you. there is no better place to go but on your knee's to ask for help.

If the lump comes back benign remember who to thank. God loves you.

I suspect it's nothing major, but, I've developed a "knot" on/near my jaw hinge on the right side.

Didn't seem to be a big deal, but lately, it's gotten a tad bigger and kind of tender. To be honest with you, when I first noticed it a couple weeks ago, I didn't think too much of it.

Last couple of days, yesterday and this morning specifically, I'm having headache on the right side, and nothing seems to touch it.

This morning mom noticed the "knot" and it has gotten bigger. Maybe the sized of an almond, kind of looks like swelling just under the ear and a tad forward, but, it's kind of hard.

Called the VA this morning and talked to a nurse. She suspects it's an infection in either the jaw joint, a tooth, or maybe the ear canal. I have an appointment for 0945 tomorrow with my doc. Gonna do x-rays before I see her at 8am.

When I asked her why x-rays, she said it could also be a broken bone in the jaw or it could be a tumor. She doesn't think tumor is likely because it came on kind of quickly.

The big "C" scares me a bit, as mom has had breast "C" and Dad died of liver "C". Lots of other folks in my past blessed by it.

So, if you pray, I'd appreciate your prayers. If you don't???? Not sure what you can do to help :Shrug:
You know, the way you are describing this thing, you might be luckier than I was with a virus and cold that drug me down then magically disappeared along with my hearing in one ear. Yup, called sudden hearing loss syndrome. About 3 weeks after everything cleared up I went to bed as usual, no problems with hearing at all and woke up with what seemed like an ear wax plug. Couldn't hear out one ear. Went to the ear nose throttle guy that day with a, make room emergency type appointment. He's the one that gave that, we don't have a foggy clue what's wrong diagnosis. Put some kind of drops in that ear that was so painful that I ripped one arm off the damn chair I was in. Man it was bad. Anyway, I sure hope that doesn't happen to you.

This whole mess is sounding scary just from happened to me. They think the virus I had took the ear out put there is zero damage that they can see. Zip. Just can't hear. 85% hearing loss. It's been sorta good. I can roll over so the ear is up and then can't hear my wife snore. Of course women don't snore. BS, they sure the hell do. But it's been good for that little problem. So there is a bright side should that happen but sounds like yours is going to your chest. That's good as far as I'm concerned.
