37 Great Years

As of the 16th of July Cathy and I will have been married for 37wonderful years. It is hard to think it has been that long. After 28 good years in the Coast Guard and 14 moves I guess we have been through a lot of stress. But it always ended up great and she stood by me. Two children and two grandchildren later, we are looking forward to everyday together. We enjoy everything together, riding the trike, camping and fishing.
Congratulations to you both. Steve and I have been married 30 years and we also do everything together--that was the hardest adjustment to retirement. 24/7 was different, but we've been retired 4 years and it's been the best so far! 3 kids, 7 grandchildren. We live in our fifth wheel and travel with the trike so we can ride. I saw a post on here about the trike is like dating all over again--that's how we are--just talk and talk!

That is fantastic to be together so long. I hope you can do as well as my parents-in-law they have just celebrated 65yrs of marriage he is 91 & she is 89 years young.

You are right, with a good woman next to you, the skys the limit.;)
Congratulations! Mike and I have had 34 years of happy marriage now, and riding together is one of our great joys next to our kids and grand kids too. Of course, he is still on two wheels, but he does like riding mine too. Have many, many more years and fun together :D
Contraulations Steve and Cathy. This is a milestone many have failed to meet. You and Cathy are becoming a minority.

Sharon and I are approaching our 36th. Through thick-and-thin, Sharon has been by my side and we are reaping the benefits our labor.

How would you have a virtual anniversary party?
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Congradulations! My wife and I have also been married 37 years,I am a lucky man to find someone that would put up with me for that long.I wish you many more years of marital bliss.
Hi everyone, Cathy and I ran away for our 37th Anniv. We went camping along the Alabama River. Took the trike with us and had a great time. I cooked out a lot on the grill and even managed to catch a few fish. Had a great fish fry with the campground host and just chilled out and remembered some of the good ole times we have had.

Have a great week and ride safe.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm so jealous; I'd like to be doing that right now. Dang economy, if it would just turn around, I might be retired by this time next year, then I could go fishing.