Ammo shortage getting interesting

Oh yes, the administration aka Homeland Security seems to be scrambling for excuses. I might need to head to the mountains on my RoadSmith.
Nope, won't be leaving sunny Florida, this is my native state. However, do love that mountain scenery and the twisties. Hard to find that combination in FL....
Come to the high country in AZ, cool, friendly and accomodating. CCW's available but not required. If your "packin" some of the stores ask you to leave your stuff behind befor entering.
Now that's what I call friendly and accomodating.
Come to the high country in AZ, cool, friendly and accomodating. CCW's available but not required. If your "packin" some of the stores ask you to leave your stuff behind befor entering.
Now that's what I call friendly and accomodating.

I call that disarming.
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Some people see a gun on someone's hip and they tend to get nervous. Others tend to feel safer. Most people won't be stupid enough to try anything in a place that has a gun owner who wears it proudly on their hip.
there is a man in the government that works for the pres.that is buying up as much ammo as he can. there is a big article on youtube about it. if it is true or not. especially the .380 & 9mm stuff.supposively it is for controlling the mass buying of ammo.from private citizens for their handguns. The NRA has a article also on it.:xszpv:
there is a man in the government that works for the pres.that is buying up as much ammo as he can. there is a big article on youtube about it. if it is true or not. especially the .380 & 9mm stuff.supposively it is for controlling the mass buying of ammo.from private citizens for their handguns. The NRA has a article also on it.:xszpv:

I read the article in the NRA magazine and they don't think it is the govt. causing the problem. A person don't know or who or what to believe anymore. This is a society comprised of a bunch of LIARS.
I read the article in the NRA magazine and they don't think it is the govt. causing the problem. A person don't know or who or what to believe anymore. This is a society comprised of a bunch of LIARS.

I agree with Oldmsocko 100%.:10:
I read the article in the NRA magazine and they don't think it is the govt. causing the problem. A person don't know or who or what to believe anymore. This is a society comprised of a bunch of LIARS.

There is a man named: George Sorus who owns Cerberus Capital Management. They have a group named: The Freedom Group. They are the ones that are buying up the Ammo. Check this guy out and the group.:Coffee:
I was at a flea market in Kentucky about 2 weeks ago and ran into a guy selling reloads and other ammo. He tried to sell me a brick of .22 lr (525 rounds) for $85.00. This was not match ammo. (thunder bolts)he said after January 1 there would not be anymore .22's made.

I think he's f.o.s. I let him keep his 22 shells. they are still making .22 rifles and pistols. some one has to be making the bullets for them.
I can remember not all that long ago buying .22lr for about $2 a box of 50.

as for the guy buying up all the 9mm and .380's, I have a few he can have.

( now wait, did I put powder in that one or not:xzqxz::xzqxz::D
My tin foil hat protects me from all things real and imagined. (Even those that I have imagined are real.)<br />
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Ninety nine percent of the horrendous disasters that I have worried about over the last 70 years never happened. I suspect this will turn out to be the same.<br />
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Ride and relax.
Soros' Group is also actively purchasing Weapons Manufacturers (in toto or controlling interests) with a fervor. THAT is also a matter of Record as such has to be disclosed publically per SEC Regs.<br />
He is a VERY outspoken Anti-Gun Advocate as well as a major Contributor & friend of "the Left. <br />
However,,, Soros did not get to the position he is in Financially & Authoritatively by placing personal beliefs and tenets above the almighty Dollar as is the case with most of the Leftist Elite.<br />
So, I don't buy into the notion he is doing the buying to shut it all down and choke out the supply. <br />
Way too much "cabbage" to be made in the Weapons/Arms Game. <br />
Negative Rhetoric to fuel the Demand-Buy up all the Supply- and YOU'RE RICH(er).
I wouldn't put it past the extream left to buy and shut down ammo or weapon mfg's.
What's a few billion here or there - they'll just make it up in a few years anyway. Look at Bloomberg - he's spending millions of his own money funding anti gun interests all over the place - that's the same thing as throwing it away, but he still does it. These guys will just make up for the loss from their lefty cronies in government.
They have nothing to worry about - they will still have their heavily armed guards surrounding them everywhere they go.

We are really having a battle against all that money. Ours is limited - theirs is unlimited. Even the media is against us. It's going to be almost impossible to get the public on our side or at least see the light that bad guys are still going to get guns no matter how many laws and bans the government comes up with.

I love conspiracies. I think some people on the left actually aid and abet these nut jobs to commit the mass shootings so they can use it against gun owners. How's that for being paranoid?