Another great Maggie Valley Gathering 2016.

Kathleen and I had a great time in Maggie Valley meeting new friends and seeing old ones again. Weather was the best we have ever experienced. Hope all can come back next year as we feel that it offers the greatest riding area in the country. Jim McDonald (mcdonaldroadcapt)
A GREAT time at the Trike Talk Gathering in Maggie Valley!

Sara and I really enjoyed being in Maggie Valley with the Trike Talk folks this past week. We enjoyed the rides, enjoyed the other trikers who were always ready to talk trikes and pass the time of day, enjoyed the mountain scenery and enjoyed the laid back ambience of Maggie Valley! But most of all, I enjoyed the ready willingness of everyone to have their trikes and themselves blessed. Most of the trikes at Maggie Valley were blessed and everyone I talked to realized the importance of doing so! I have been known as the "Red Patch Marine" in the past, and it is an honor bestowed on a special group of Marines, but after Maggie Valley, my new user name will be "Chaplain Dave!" The Marine name indicates my past, but the Chaplain Dave or CD name is more in line with where my life is at and where I am headed today! (Randy & Marge, please note!) We tried to make reservations for next year but the motel isn't prepared to accept reservations a year ahead of time! There were many cancellations this year due to health issues, finances, employment, trike issues, weather issues and accidents. My prayer for next year will be that all the folks who missed this year's gathering will be with us next year for another GREAT weekend in Maggie Valley! My thoughts and prayers will be with you all! Dave aka Chaplain Dave or CD & Sara Sherwood
CD, I really enjoyed our chats and it was great to meet you. Thanks for the blessing for myself and my trike. I believe it saved my butt a couple times on the road home as I avoided several objects in the road....can't say that for the cars coming up on my beside me....
Looking forward to next year!!
Although Millie and I were not staying at the Best Western, we certainly enjoyed the "Rattler" ride and visiting with friendly "Trikers". In case you can't place the name, we were on the Road Smith "White" trike, ya can't miss the thing.

Bill Williams
Kathleen and I had a great time in Maggie Valley meeting new friends and seeing old ones again. Weather was the best we have ever experienced. Hope all can come back next year as we feel that it offers the greatest riding area in the country. Jim McDonald (mcdonaldroadcapt)

It was good seeing and talking with you again Jim. Love that beautiful 110 monster of yours! We thoroughly enjoyed all the hugs, laughs and memories part is always the friendships renewed and new ones made with such fine folks. Priceless! My laptop fell off the bed and broke the charging port at our layover in Miss on the way to MV, so my laptop has been useless this trip and posting on my phone is a pita so I can't post pics or much else till we get home. We are currently in Montgomery Alabama visiting our son who was just tapped yesterday as a deserving officer candidate at Maxwell AFB. It's been an awesome week. Very Blessed!
Thanks for a great time

Kathleen and I had a great time in Maggie Valley meeting new friends and seeing old ones again. Weather was the best we have ever experienced. Hope all can come back next year as we feel that it offers the greatest riding area in the country. Jim McDonald (mcdonaldroadcapt)

Had a great time and already looking forward to next year. if I am back from the St Judes cross country run by then.. If I am maybe we can help set up some trike games LOL
Lolly Pops!

Keith & Susan, Sara discovered that the local Walmart is selling your caramel and apple pops! Just had one and it sure keeps your mouth busy! Thanks for getting us addicted! CD & Sara