Bad news. Need Prayers


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My beautiful wife Pat of 50 years has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just 4 weeks ago. Yesterday the doctor said the CT scans now show 3 spots on her liver that were not in the first scans. I started out optimistic but it is hard to stay that way with this news. She need lots of prayers. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

Danny words cannot express how sorry I am to hear about sweet Pat. You both will be in our prayers now, please keep your faith in this troubling time. The power of prayer and your love is what she needs... If we can do anything for you just let us know brother.
Lighting a Candle

My beautiful wife Pat of 50 years has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just 4 weeks ago. Yesterday the doctor said the CT scans now show 3 spots on her liver that were not in the first scans. I started out optimistic but it is hard to stay that way with this news. She need lots of prayers. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.


We will be lighting a candle and sending you both our prayers!
I'm speechless!! You know the prayers will go out often and hope they bring some small bit of comfort to you and Pat. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you think we can do something Danny! Stay strong my friend!:whiteflag::biblehold: