Battery Tender Cable

On my 2016 HD FW I notice what I thought was the battery tender cable dangling on the right side.
When I went to hook my charger I couldn't get a connection. I thought the tender cable was supposed to be behind the Left side cover. So I removed the cover and found the "real" tender cable and the charging was successful.

But what is the cable dangling on the right side? It wasn't behind the side cover and was actually partially melted from sitting on the exhaust pipe.

My HD dealer says "I don't know"
When he said i don't know.... Did he also say bring it in and we'll take a look at it...??
Is it a duplex plug or single??? I have the duplex plug on the left side for my BatteryTender and a single female plug for my heated gear. No idea what your plug is for.
I'm surprised the dealer had no idea what it is - unless you described it wrong. Who at the dealer did you talk to - one of the motorclothes gals?

Maybe someone here will know.
By the way..if you ever find that your tender is not charging. Check the P&A fuse. Mine was not charging and the fuse was blown.