Bike-to-Bike Bluetooth Communication Systems


Just Killing Time...
Gold Member
I haven't found any recent posts out here on the referenced title subject.

Since I gave up my beloved Gold Wing trike and its OEM CB radio and am now enjoying a Spyder I find that I am in need of bike-to-bike communication.

I am looking at bluetooth technology that only needs to connect to one other bike. I am aware that there are systems that can talk to 20+ bikes.... not needed.

I have read the information of about ten trillion products currently out there and watched some videos that favored one or the other brands, only to end up more confused than ever over the attributes of each.

I would like responses from those that have experience with these systems... pros and cons....

Many thanks! :)
Since my communications is with the wife in the passenger seat my input is limited. If you are only concerned with connecting to 1 other unit go with either Sena or Cardo.Pick one of the better models that has a long range and pairs with other brands.Remember distance claims are perfect conditions not necessarily real world.Also as these brands are moving to mesh if your other upgrades you may have to upgrade also.My Sena will pair with 1 of another brand and it has to be bluetooth 4.0 or above I think.So nothing real old will pair with it.
Sena Bluetooth cost too much IMHO. The group I ride with, we just use our CB's built into the radio.
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Good morning Carla,

I used Sena's in the past. I think they work great. The clarity is MUCH better than our old CBs. The down side is that if you want to communicate with other bikes, they have to have a unit that will "pair" with yours. In other words if you and I are riding together, My CB won't talk to you. I need to have a Sena headset in/on my helmet and pair it to yours. But, there is also good news. Sena makes a gizmo called Freewire that plugs into my bikes audio system. With that, my Sena head set will communicate with the Freewire unit and allow me to use my CB in addition to communicating with you through Sena. All this stuff is a little pricy. The Freewire unit alone was $250.00. Not as convenient as your old CB or mine. There are things that need to be charged and turned on and off. But it does work well. Hope this helps. Take care..... Jim
I’ve used Uclear sets for years and currently have their Motion 6 set. The only issue we have is that they both don’t always connect to the bike. No issue with each other but on occasion one of them always seems to have an issue with the bike. Also no issue connecting to an iPhone since they always don’t connect with the bike (I’m not a big music while riding fan) I use my phone for directions and I’m still able to talk to her with no problem. We like the small mic (my older set had the mic built into the ear piece) as we have modular helmets, so it tucks right in between some of the lining.

Good luck picking a set
Many thanks to all who contributed their opinions and experiences.

The jury is still out as to which system to pursue, but when the moment hits...

Most likely I will get in over my head on the technology side and only use a small portion of the features for which I will pay big $$$... :cxtv:
Sena for me.............. I really only use it to talk to another bike rid'rr.............. BUT it does work well................. I really like it for my cell phone usage, I can talk on the phone while riding, and no one even knows that I'm on a motorcycle, going 65 MPH

fodsports com system

I tried this fodsports m1-s pro system reasonably priced and seems to work well between rider and passenger. Have not used to communicate with other riders yet but it supposed to work with several other units it is blue tooth and can pair with iphone for calls or music. ck it out. amazon

has them.
Resurrecting-and FYI

Resurrecting this thread just to stay up to date.

For those of us that still use CBs and are disappointed that it's not available stock anymore or at all on some rides, Cobra recently came out with a possible fix.

My 84 YO buddy just jot a Spyder and was really disappointed that he couldn't get a CB installed. This small Bluetooth unit can mount out of site and (according to Cobra) will pair with his BT helmet. I'm posting this here in hopes that someone has or now in the near future install this unit. He's in Fla till spring so hasn't purchased it yet. I'm looking for any input for him as to how it worked for you. I would have put it on my trike if I had known about it except for the fact that I don't have BT and AFAIK there's no way to interface it with the Harley sound system.

Any input about it would be helpful at this point.
SmittysTrike, I also wanted a CB and could not find the factory HD module for my '14 Tri Glide. Not sure if Harley quit making it or not?

What I did was buy a Sena SR10, a handheld President Randy CB radio, and a SR10 cable to connect the SR10 to the CB. The Sena's "Midland" cable fits the President radio.

I put the CB on my phone mount and use the SR10's detachable rubber mount to mount it the handlebar. The SR10 connects via bluetooth to my Sena helmet headset and I have a PTT button that velcro's atop the handlebar's left switch housing.

I can listen to music, talk to my wife and if someone calls on the CB, the SR10 dims the conversation and I can hear it. When the CB conversation stops the music or wife return. If I press the PTT button, it disconnect the music and transmits thru the CB.

This setup works pretty well, and it's very portable. I can switch the whole setup from my trike to my Softail in a couple minutes. It's hard to find a Sena SR10 anymore, though. I think they quit making them? Might find one on E-Bay if you (or your friend) decided to go this route.

Good luck.

SmittysTrike, I also wanted a CB and could not find the factory HD module for my '14 Tri Glide. Not sure if Harley quit making it or not?

What I did was buy a Sena SR10, a handheld President Randy CB radio, and a SR10 cable to connect the SR10 to the CB. The Sena's "Midland" cable fits the President radio.

I put the CB on my phone mount and use the SR10's detachable rubber mount to mount it the handlebar. The SR10 connects via bluetooth to my Sena helmet headset and I have a PTT button that velcro's atop the handlebar's left switch housing.

I can listen to music, talk to my wife and if someone calls on the CB, the SR10 dims the conversation and I can hear it. When the CB conversation stops the music or wife return. If I press the PTT button, it disconnect the music and transmits thru the CB.

This setup works pretty well, and it's very portable. I can switch the whole setup from my trike to my Softail in a couple minutes. It's hard to find a Sena SR10 anymore, though. I think they quit making them? Might find one on E-Bay if you (or your friend) decided to go this route.

Good luck.

That certainly looks like another option. Will keep it in mind.
It takes up more room than a phone, but isn't as obtrusive as one might imagine. The PTT button is easy to reach on top of the switch housing, too. SR10 is hidden behind the CB.

Too bad Harley has deleted the CB - wonder if they ever asked the customers?

Not all of us want to be wireless.
I had the CB installed in the Triglide when I purchased it and then when I sold the Triglide and purchased the Goldwing I had one installed in it. Trina and I use the Cardo Edge for communications between us they work good for that although sometimes in windy conditions I hear some wind noise and I ask her to mute her mic, it is simple she just speaks into the mic and tells it to mute or unmute microphone which ever the case maybe.