Boots on a trike?

I do not find the need to wear boots on my Trike. I rode from Ashville last night (Wings over the Smokies) in the rain and never got my feet wet. We did not get wet at all!! Great windshield! Tulsa Tall!!

I wear good sneakers and stay dry and I never put my feet down. Why wear hot boots?
I do not find the need to wear boots on my Trike. I rode from Ashville last night (Wings over the Smokies) in the rain and never got my feet wet. We did not get wet at all!! Great windshield! Tulsa Tall!!

I wear good sneakers and stay dry and I never put my feet down. Why wear hot boots?

Don' wear what you're comfortable wearing and I'll wear what I want... it doesn't make one of us right or one of us wrong! It makes each of us enjoy Riding the way we're comfortable...but I can tell you that after one of our Main Road Captains got T-boned by a disfunctional Jersey Cabbie, my BK President revised out Rules of the Road to read that each Member or Participant in any Blue Knights Sponsored Ride will wear "Proper Riding Gear" (as recommended by AMA & MSF)...we all complied...and now that Mike (the Road Captain) is able to use the Fused Foot that was re-attached...he's Riding with us too. My Daughter-in-Law is a Lead Instructor with MSF (Trains other Instructors, Teaches Motor Officer Cources across the Country) and when she went down this year (late Nite Party with Bambie's Daddy), I was proud to hear that she only suffered Bruising and a Minor Concussion The Saftey Gear can help even the Best of Riders!

As a medical person and working many hours in the ER, you can't go wrong wearing protection. Regardless if you are on two wheels, trike or a Stallion. I wear protection and that is by my choice.
Same here DeanOne98...spent too many Nites scraping bodies and body parts off the Blacktop to Ignore the Safety Issue!
i like wearing protective gear. that being said everyone should wear what they feel is appropiate. its their body.
2 wheels - leather shoes or boots. 3 wheels - anything but bare feet.

Remember - most accidents happen a half mile or less from home.

So always park your vehicle at least a half mile from home and walk the rest of the way :D.
It really should not be an issue unless you do not have reverse and you have to push you trike. I have Frankenstein kit on my bike so I do not have a reverse. I too thought I do not need to wear any particular kind of shoes. Well the first time I had to have the grip of the treaded soles to help me push the trike backwards I was glad I had on my riding boots. But not really a safety issue as I did not have to really worry about the anything except my feet slipping and not helping me push backwards. Just a word for a newbie "trike" rider.
I do not find the need to wear boots on my Trike. I rode from Ashville last night (Wings over the Smokies) in the rain and never got my feet wet. We did not get wet at all!! Great windshield! Tulsa Tall!!

I wear good sneakers and stay dry and I never put my feet down. Why wear hot boots?

Blind luck. Last year I was in a rain that nothing would stay dry unless it was water proof. It poured so hard the cars were pulling to the side of the road, I hit water in the road that rolled up into my lap bet your feet would have taken a soaking then. I wear boots for another layer of protection in case some bone head takes me out.
I bought a pair of boots at target a few years back for forty dollars,water proof and very comfortable,If I am going on long rides were I am going to be gone for a couple of days are more and may run in to rain or if the weather is going to be cool I wear them,but if it is just a day ride and I know there is no chance of rain I wear my tennis shoes.
If you are really sensible you dont get out of bed, just cower
Question; Where do you draw the line ? :confused:

Exactly! It seems most active fun carries some risk. It must be testosterone, because when I was younger, I had lots more of it and took lots more risks - like Motocross and Enduro and a few others that, in retrospect from 71 years, now seem pretty stupid. It's amazing that guys survive their youth.

Too many 2-w ooppss! Still believe in 'an ounce of prevention..' etc etc. So I/ we still dress the way we did on 2-w. Boots & Jackets, thank you!
Just bought a pair of Bates, 6" waterproof and gore-tex because we are ready to start riding longer distances. I wear safety toe (composite) shoes to work so I kinda feel ok when riding to work and I commute to many different power plants to conduct training, however they are not waterproof and not over the ankle like the Bates style I bought. Lots of folks I know in the security field are ex-military and they wear Bates for comfort and durability. My son attended military school and we bought multiple pairs of Bates low cuts for him and they were always comfortable.
While we were shopping last weekend, wife tried on Bates boots - one foot was very comfortable, one not, not matter how many we tried. Going to explore custom fit for her.
I do wear sneakers on occasion when I'm short tripping. Wife is taking MSF course this weekend, and it requires over the ankle boots, gloves, etc.
Mingus41 - You're missing the point, Sir. Probably the most important reason to wear heavy duty, above the ankle boots is to protect your feet in the event of a crash. True, on three we are not as likely to lay a bike down, but if a cager knocks me off my trike, I would certainly like something to keep the skin on my ankles, or maybe even help keep my foot attached to my leg in a more serious collision. However, to each his own.

Finally, the voice of reason. Excellent post.
As a young rider when I thought I was BJBA on a Harley....I use to wear all the leather and the boots too. Now it's just the tennis shoes and what feels comfortable. If you run through a rain storm and get your shoes wet...they will dry out before you get to the motel room. I no longer like to dress-up as a Motorman (For those who don't know what that's a motorcycle COP.) I have two Motormen that ride in my group and they dress as naked as the weather will allow while on pleasure trips. They have to ride in the jack-boots and leather all week long.
I’m new to triking and am wondering if experienced trike riders think it necessary to wear motorcycle boots while riding a trike.

I always wear boots on my two wheel rides but on a trike, where you rarely put your feet down, do you really need them? I have been using a decent pair of sneakers and they seem fine.

Sneakers R fine with me.......
2 reasons to wear boots: First, safety. Second Looks cool. How about other protective gear? Obviously for safety, but leathers, shades etc look cool. When you were looking at trikes I know many look at features, power, configuration...and the COOL FACTOR!