Central Victoria Panther trike


Hi guys Just a quick intro I am the australian area rep for TOI and Owner operator of Panther Trikes Victoria on facebook, Panther Engineerings Victorian representitive, let me know if I can assist you in anyway, if anyone is going to the UTA AGM I will be there and will do a story on the event for the TOI members in the US. Also the Aussie Trike Riders Group will be Running A Ride calender soon and all TOI members will be made most welcome for more in fo go to Aussie Trike Riders Group on facebook and check this forum regularly, I have a supply of TOI cloth patches, and trike talk.com cloth patches $7.00 ea including postage, and if you wish to order I have antenna flags as well or you can get them direct on the trike talk merchandising area on the forum.

Happy triking and Merry christmas to all

3WHELAR aka Pete
March 2012 will have a Flash Memorial ride "over the top" ride 3 days of fantastic travelling over the Snowy Mountains.

Flash, a dedicated member passed away recently and the annual ride has been renamed in his honour.

This is being organised by the National 3 Wheeler club.

Trikers interested in this club can google it and contact the committee.

Just a quick update on the Over The Top Flash Farley Memorial Run

Over 40 came along on the ride. We all tied a yellow ribbon on our trikes in memory of Flash. Mine is still there and will stay there or be replaced by something similar. The 3 days saw the usual extremes of weather this time of the year. Freezing cold pissing rain to balmy 30c. Was a great ride and look forward to doing it all again next year.

Hey Smokey. Nice to see that a certain someone who shall remain nameless as i never let his name pass my lips decided that your thread was a nice place to hijack it for his own means once again. A leopard never changes his spots.

March 2012 will have a Flash Memorial ride "over the top" ride 3 days of fantastic travelling over the Snowy Mountains.

Flash, a dedicated member passed away recently and the annual ride has been renamed in his honour.

This is being organised by the National 3 Wheeler club.

Trikers interested in this club can google it and contact the committee.

thanks skuuter.

actually my original choice of colour was hot pink!! I like pastel colours. In the 70's wehad Holden (GM) cars here with an option of hot pink. With black trim they look great.

But I fell for the safety yellow, a gel coat colour. Never regretted it.
