Chat Room

Hurray Leo, big trip and plenty of memories to share with us next time we meet. Can't wait to hear all the things you saw, did going to, being there, and coming back from Florida.
Your fishing adventure, the deer, the tarpon..WOW
See you soon Leo.
Hey Bozo, how is the riding down your way, cool and rainy here in NH.

Howdy Rosy. Cool and rainy, huh. I'll be triking there on Monday.
Or close enough. West of you in Peterborough. I'll wave.
Probably 91 to 84 to 90 to 190 and then non hywys. GPS says this is fastest route. It's a machine down situation, so speed is critical. I will be on 6am ferry to Bridgeport.
Gee, look at a map.
Take 91 all the way up to Keene then to Peterborough, I would think that would be a straight shot.
I know at times the GPS is not what it says it is, maybe be shorter, mileage, but time wise it is longer.
Just my thoughts.

Gee, look at a map.
Take 91 all the way up to Keene then to Peterborough, I would think that would be a straight shot.
I know at times the GPS is not what it says it is, maybe be shorter, mileage, but time wise it is longer.
Just my thoughts.

that's the way I would go, go up 91 till Brattleboro, Vt. exit 3 go east on rte.9 7ill Keene, NH> then rte. 101 into Peterborough.
Depends on what the weather is doing in morning whether I take the fast way or the scenic route. They are almost same distance.
Depends on what the weather is doing in morning whether I take the fast way or the scenic route. They are almost same distance.
Same distance or some time? Hey, you got a mission to get those people up and running ASAP! LOL
Good luck on your trip. Ride safe!

Rosy -

How's the "snow pile" doing? All melted by now? Did you "find" the Mini yet? :D :laugh:

Looks like 50ish down here this coming week - maybe we're finally getting rid of winter... ThumbUp
Ha, we should have stayed in Florida till June!
Yes, we found the Mini and the Maxima under the snow, but it took us a few days to get everything cleared. We felt like we were 200 years old by the time we got done with the snow. LOL
I was just reading the old newspapers and I didn't realize how bad it was around here with snow. School had to be shut down because the walls cracked under the weight of the snow. Gypsum plant's roof collapsed, city lost a plow because it was over worked and cracked the frame, elderly people had to leave because to much snow on the roof, and I had to hire people to shovel my roof! WOW
No wonder my sister-in-law kept saying, don't come home, it's bad up here.
Hope everybody had a good day.

Miss the Florida Keys. Didn't take long to get spoiled. Only have one little snow bump on the north side of our house created by shoveling our deck. Spring flowers are about an inch tall. Life is slowly returning. Hooray!
Good for you Leo, it is spitting snow here in NH.
Not a very good day for man or beast!
The only good thing is, roads are wet, no snow!
Bozo, how did you make out?
Had my oil fired furnace and hot water heater tuned. All is good for another year.

Good day folks! Lucky that's great! You must be smiling from ear to ear. I've been busy doing oil changes on trike and Jeannette's car. Detailed the underside of trike yesterday. Still need to detail the top side. Filled her up with conditioned fuel, because I don't plan to ride for a while. We get our new sewer line in two weeks. Things are getting back to normal after my 18 day, 3,354 mile Florida Keys vacation. If someone asked me, I would probably turn around and go back. Love that place! Have a great day!
Good for you Leo, it is spitting snow here in NH.
Not a very good day for man or beast!
The only good thing is, roads are wet, no snow!
Bozo, how did you make out?
Had my oil fired furnace and hot water heater tuned. All is good for another year.


As the ferry pulled into Bridgeport this morning, the snow was coming down heavy. Not sticking to roads. Just to my legs and windshield. By Hartford snow stopped. I think temps were in 20's all the way. In VT, snow started again. Not on roads. All in all, a nice ride. Still a little testing on one machine and need to look at another. So in town at my usual Jack Daniels Motor Inn. Haven't checked in in 10 years. Still in their computer.
Another emergency brewing in OH. May have to ride late tomorrow and catch a quick flight out on Wed. Need to be home Thursday night to drive Dianne to doc Fri morning and Passover in Brooklyn Fri night.
Bozo glad that rte. worked out for you, going thur Worchester , Ma. would have lead to many chances for wrong turns. hope it turns warmer for you.
I figure it should warm up by July or Aug. Next job up in air. Either flying to OH after riding home or triking 370 miles to a job near Reading, PA. They're keeping it a surprise for me.
Just sitting in Peterborough Diner. One of those old style ones. Small and local. The food smells good.
Our NH diners are pretty good. We had diners all over the place when I was growing up. We still have some that bring back memories! LOL
Dover has a new one, I haven't been to it, but the people who have, have said it is pretty good, good breakfast.
