Gas Milage

My first tank low fuel light come on. Filled up with the auxiliary tank. A day later fill both tanks got 29.5 MPG. I can live with that.
My first tank low fuel light come on. Filled up with the auxiliary tank. A day later fill both tanks got 29.5 MPG. I can live with that.

Depending o how hard I flog the roads I'll get as bad as 26 mpg or as good as 33. West Texas has LOTS of flat and straight roads but occasionally I do get to push the envelope a tad. 29.5 is a good average number Kerry. :xszpv::xszpv:
I'd love to get 36, that just doesn't happen. A reasonable ride, two up, 55/60 mph, or around town, 32 and change is about as good as it gets. Sometimes I get lucky with 33. Doesn't seem to matter if I pump the tire pressure up, or go on the recommended low side.
I was very surprised to see some of you getting under 30 mpg. I do most of my riding in The Adirondack Mountains of New York. I stay off the interstate as much as possible. I am continuously getting between 37 & 40 mpg. I try and squeeze every drop of fuel in when I fill up (no auxiliary tank). Just yesterday my wife & I took a 211 mile round trip lunch ride my home in South Glens Falls to Old Forge, NY. The low fuel light had come on shortly before I stopped to fill up, it took 5.5 gallons. My math says I got 38.3 mph.
Your are gonna get better mpg in mountain riding than us flat landers, that's just the way it works. Are you riding two up?
Your are gonna get better mpg in mountain riding than us flat landers, that's just the way it works. Are you riding two up?

Most of my riding is two up, usually under 70 mph. Friends of ours we travel with have a GL1800 with a CSC conversion. We are usually within a tenth of a gallon of each other when fueling. My old Trike was a GL1500 with a CSC conversion. I got between 32 & 37 with it. Riding over 70 mph on the interstate with it was not my friend.

Yes, I think near that 70 mph mark, the rpm is approaching 3K which starts sucking fuel. Believe the 1500 was a 4 cylinder w/carb? So I'd guess the 4 cylinder would be turning up higher than 3K at 70, very thirsty.
Local riding two-up in the Arkansas twisties I get an average of 35-37 mpg.

On trips pulling trailer below 70 mph I'll average 33-35 mpg.

Interstate 70-75 pulling trailer and two-up is 30-32 mpg. (Don't do Interstates very often)
Mine 90gw---tall shield--me very large

Apples to Oranges here?.....Years ago i had a Honda VTX 1800...Two wheeler, And when i put on a very tall windshield [Full blown Memphis Shade] the MPG went from 32 down to 28....But i didn't mind cause i ratter have comfort than MPG...:Shrug:...

I filled both tanks today after several RTE's, some 2 up to various parts of my home state. My yellow warning light was on and the gas gauge was just touching the red line. My trip meter was at 359.9 miles when I stopped to fill up. 4.8 gal. in my auxiliary tank and 5.4gal. in my main tank. 93,237 miles on my trike so I can live with that. We have a two up trip towing our Aluma MCTXL to Bryson City, NC. in October. Momma likes to load the trailer with items she "might need" LOL so I'm interested in how our Roadsmith will do. We used to average around 36mpg on trips as a two wheeler towing our trailer and I'm sure that's going to drop significantly. So far I'm happy that I triked our wing. I've definitely slowed down and am enjoying the view around me instead of the apex's on entry and exit. Plus the low speed maneuvering two up is a he!! of a lot easier on my old knees! My biggest complaint is the larger mass to clean while we are in Love Bug season! I definitely go through more hydrogen peroxide then I used to as I still ride 4 or 5 times a week year round. I've also noticed the Multistrada doesn't leave the garage as often as it used to even when I'm by myself on rides. Dang I'm getting old :xzqxz: