Got my 2nd Deer today.....

Hit my 2nd deer today. 1st one was on my 2 wheeler a few years back.

This one came out onto the road in front of me. I was doing around 50mph but had time to slow down to about 35 or so. The deer couldn`t make up it`s mind which way to go but like most of them decided to run into my trike. Hit the right front floor support bar then into my right side. I could feel it rub on my right leg then off to the right shoulder of the road. Couldn`t feel any damage and when I ooked into the review it was up and dashing across the road.

Got into the town and stopped that is when I found that my shifter rod was bent but I could still shift until I tried to put it into reverse. Couldn`t do it. Later after fooling with it a bit I could finally get reverse. No other damage though. Could have been worse.........
Glad to hear you're okay.

We were in Bremerton a few weeks ago, visited my wife's cousin.
Hit my 2nd deer today. 1st one was on my 2 wheeler a few years back.

This one came out onto the road in front of me. I was doing around 50mph but had time to slow down to about 35 or so. The deer couldn`t make up it`s mind which way to go but like most of them decided to run into my trike. Hit the right front floor support bar then into my right side. I could feel it rub on my right leg then off to the right shoulder of the road. Couldn`t feel any damage and when I ooked into the review it was up and dashing across the road.
Got into the town and stopped that is when I found that my shifter rod was bent but I could still shift until I tried to put it into reverse. Couldn`t do it. Later after fooling with it a bit I could finally get reverse. No other damage though. Could have been worse.........

VERY thankful to hear you are not hurt. Been-there-done-that.....not a fun experience!
So glad to hear you are OK,

I am in ohio and 1 person died when he hit one last Friday morning one county over from mine and the same morning another person hit one in my county and is in critical condition..
:machinegun:Happy to see you are fine, trikes can be fixed, dang deer, had one in my quads headlights the other night it dashed back and forth not knowing were to go I gassed it right at it and it decided to run away, maybe thats a stategy that works:eek:
Another good reason to ride a trike! I feel like Id come out better hitting one on a trike than a two wheeler.
Glad you're OK...Daughter-in-law totaled her BMW Bike 2 weeks ago in VA. Slight Concusion, Multi-Bruises and minor abrasions but otherwise OK. The Trike can be repaired!

Glad to hear all went well, and in Your favor. We're over run with deer in my with em' daily, and been very lucky so far. I've had Motorcycle Buddies here with very disasterous results. Yep, like Bazooka said, I too feel a little better about deer duels on a Trike....Stay Safe and Alert out there Folks.....:wtg: