Gotta love Texas

Been 50* overcast and drizzle most of the day :gah: tomorrow and Monday warmer but still have rain and storm chances in the forecast.
Then on Tues in mid to high 80's before another front rolls through :Shrug: welcome to winter in Tx :laugh:
"Ain't that the truth !" Since the wind switched direction to the south, the temp has gone up. Crazy !
I won't complain about the weather, come on summer.. :laugh:

While forking peanuts into a trailer (in my youth) on my grandads farm, I complained about the heat. He told me to learn to enjoy it. He says "Boy, you can find a lot more shade trees than fires."
Yep, the scourge of ranchers until severe drought. Then it's survival food for cattle after the thorns are burned off. Sometimes even before.


Mine are in the vegi garden, if I brush my fingers against them, those lil boogers fester real quick :gah:When they bloom, there just gorgeous.
Not a fan of thorns. They remind me of my ex wife and the offspring.
Any of you guy's up north of Dallas get hit with those crazy storms? Weather head reported softball size hail :AGGHH: more coming to y'all n west Texas Tues night.
We got nailed last night with quarter size stones. Amazingly I only lost one tomato plant. Sounds like I'll lose the rest tonight though.:mad::Shrug:
Ya'll close that north gate, I've been enjoying our decent weather down here. :laugh:

The wife & I made a day ride today to the LBJ National Monument. I can remember all that "history"... made me feel ancient in there. But I did get out with the wife spending less than $10. :clapping:

I got to thinking, when was the last time you saw a conservative democrat? I remember LBJ in the Texas Congress, pushing the REA's for the farmers & ranchers who had no electricity. The man did good work back then.
Rare sightings of the Texas Bluebonnet Rattlesnake


The warnings are true, too many of these critters hiding in plain sight in the Bluebonnet fields of Texas. Beware!
Imho, what is worse are the fools that park on the shoulder of a busy interstate just so they can take pictures of their children sitting in the bluebonnets. :gah::gah: