Great Job by Trike Talk Site


Founder: Roadsmith Trikes
Hello Everybody-

I earned the name MR TRIKE, as I started building VW powered Trikes back in 1972 as a hobby. Never dreamed Trikes of all kinds would evolve to what it is today. As the entire industry has grown, so has the social media aspect and followers have gone wild. Thanks to people like Randall Johnston who started TrikeTalk, the trike riders of all brands get to hear from other riders as to there concerns and questions.

I look at quite a few other sites but feel that this site covers every brand riders choice the best. The more people who follow these sites just get a customer's opinion on which brand to buy based on their experiences. Also, service questions and riders opinions can be addressed. ROADSMITH and the entire TEAM thanks Randall for the GREAT JOB he is doing!!!!!

" Keep-On-Trikin " Dick
Well, a huge WELCOME Dick to TrikeTalk man!!!!!!

Being a builder of VW trikes, you should swing into the VW forum as I'm quite sure you could give some great advice and experience to the forum! :clapping:
Hey, I know that guy! We got our first trike from him about '92, and have always found him to be the straight forward, stand up type of person that doesn't say something unless he means it. High praise indeed to 'Zook and the members of Trike Talk!


(P.S. Gloria says hello, and thanks for the help on the Roadhawk.)
Welcome MR. TRIKE!! Its always good when some of the builders actually spend time with their clients in an open forum.
Welcome!! And thanks for joining us. Seeing the representatives and even owners of the companies that make the trikes we ride join and monitor the forum giving help and advice to concerns and problems sure is reassuring that we are in the right place.
Hello Mr. Trike (Dick) Thank you for being one of the founders of our sport. Your products (RoadSmith) are great machines both Honda based and Harley based.
Hey Dick,

This forum started a lot like your trike business did, kind of a hobby and like you, I never expected my little hobby board to into blossom into the thriving global trike community it has. Our members and I would like to thank you for contributing so much to the world of trikes and welcome you as an active part of our 'family'. With over 40 years in the industry, you are indeed the father of the trike industry.

When you called me on Sunday, I was very pleasantly surprised to hear from you. And when you said that you were on the site every day and have been for years and it was your favorite go to site, it made my day.

Kudos to you and the Roadsmith team for following and responding to our questions here on the forum. This is where your current and future customers come to gather information and you and your company's frequent engagement here is surely a factor in why Roadsmith is a leader in the industry.
Welcome Mr. Trike from Bellville, Texas! You are right, this is the best trike forum there is! There is more information and support on this forum than anywhere else!

Welcome to where we call home for information and support and a little Humor from time to time please stay current with us we can all learn from experience especially the Man... :good:ride safe Fred
Welcome to the Gang from Western Colorado.

Okay .... so who's this Randall Dude??? Must be Zook ... sheeese ... so formal. :D