Has anyone tried Glare polish yet?

Been using it for about a month now. It stands up to the Florida bug test much better than the Megiuars Gold I painstakingly applied over and over. Two coats as suggested, and most things wipe off easily with a damp microfiber. The shine is amazing. I am sold.
I use cheap Honda spray cleaner...I am so ashamed...Please don't tell my Harley...she will break down on me...

I've also been using Honda spray cleaner since about 1993 on GWs and Vettes.
Two weeks ago I was out and bought the Harley spray cleaner while at the dealership. This stuff is as every bit as good as the Honda spray and it smells
a whole lot better...little more expensive but really works well. Will be using it from now on.:clapping:
Just started using it last month....works great, bugs come off very easy! Put a second coat on yesterday....really looks good!! I will be buying more when this bottle runs out, I'm sold!
Its about as good as any other wax for getting off bugs etc..
I still like mothers syn wax..
But have tried glare polish product too..
I have been using Liquid Glass for years and have found it provides a durable finish and great shine. It has been around for a long time. Old ads showed them placing a burning cigarette on a car hood and it left no mark. Great product. Last price was $29.00 per pint.
I've also been using Honda spray cleaner since about 1993 on GWs and Vettes.
Two weeks ago I was out and bought the Harley spray cleaner while at the dealership. This stuff is as every bit as good as the Honda spray and it smells
a whole lot better...little more expensive but really works well. Will be using it from now on.:clapping:

WOW! I've had the exact opposite. I had used Honda's years ago and worked great. Then I bought a can of Harley's a couple years ago. It was like smearing candle wax on the fairing = took a long time to buff it out. I thought the first can was an anomaly so I bought a second can = same results.
I don't understand, 2 completely different outcomes with the same product. I'm confussed. I use ICE now.

I use to use NuFinish on my Vettes back in the day for concourses. ThumbUp
I tried that Harley stuff, once, what a mess. Guess it hasn't improved.

Boy am I glad to see someone else with the same experience. I was beginning to think I was the only one with that problem. Is it possible that it could be applied incorrectly somehow??? Maybe a bad batch - two different times - seems very unlikely. I'm stumped.

I'm looking for something I can carry on vacation to clean/wax the bike when there is no water around.
The Honda stuff worked pretty good. Now I'm using S100 Special Surfaces Cleaner. http://www.s100.com/s100_ssc.htm but it's a little pricey and not a wax.
I'm a believer in the S100 detail and wax, I take it on the road. Might give the surface cleaner a shot. S100 is not cheap, but it's good. Like most, I've spent a small fortune on cleaners, waxes, I only need to look on my shelf. It's ridiculous.
Just head over to WalMart & get the spray wax/detailer by Zymol & a micro-fiber towel. Works great while on the road. You can use whatever wax when you get home. But that Zymol gets the bugs off real well.
The wife and I just finished putting the recommended 2 coats of Glare on the trike, I have to say it looks really good. The 1st coat took a while and a little labor but the 2nd coat went on easy and came off with hardly any dust at all like so many have already said. I think we'll be able to pick the bugs out of our teeth without using the mirrors it is so reflective. I give it a ThumbUp
I've used the Honda Glare for about a year now. Was very impressed with it, went to a local Honda dealer, they didn't actively stock it and actually for some reason, hadn't heard of it. But they looked into it and ordered a case for their stock on hand. Smear it all over those Harleys, they love it as much as the Hondas do.
Here is a discount code for 10% anyone ordering direct from their web site. Put it in "Coupon" at checkout if ordering over $50.00 in product. 5190CLM http://www.glare.com/ Basically covers your shipping cost.
Another good one is "Royal Blue" 10% discount for them CVOHARLEY
Royal Blue is much cheaper then Glare and produces great results in many opinions better then Glare but will not last as long as it is a Wax and Glare is a polish/sealer.
I used 2 coats Glare to seal and 2 coats Royal Blue to make her pop.

Just ordered 2 bottles...Thanks Fred for your "Coupon"