Haters gonna Hate

Grrrr ... :mad:

First time out with the new trike and my beloved when some uneducated, redneck, hillbilly, 30-something kid in Aberdeen, WA driving a white POS yells at us that "If you can't ride two-wheels safely you should not be riding at all." Eff'n hater. My lady did give him the quick one finger salute.

Not a good experience for my wife and I on our first 130 mile trikein' road trip. Hope it does not impact her desire to go riding with me anymore. I can let that s#!t roll off my back, but ... Grrrr!!!:mad::mad:

Have any of you experienced of this kind of prejudiced discrimination just 'cause you ride a trike?


Thank GOD that person in a member of a VERY VERY TINY group. Maybe he was just feeling a bit insecure and needed to feel important. :xszpv: :xszpv:

My experience is totally on the other end of the spectrum. I have had soooo many two wheel riders go out of their way to complement and ask questions. Sometimes its almost embarrassing and at the same time really rewarding. Please don't let people like that rob you and your wife of the riding joy and experiences. :clapping::clapping:
Grrrr ... :mad:

First time out with the new trike and my beloved when some uneducated, redneck, hillbilly, 30-something kid in Aberdeen, WA driving a white POS yells at us that "If you can't ride two-wheels safely you should not be riding at all." Eff'n hater. My lady did give him the quick one finger salute.

Not a good experience for my wife and I on our first 130 mile trikein' road trip. Hope it does not impact her desire to go riding with me anymore. I can let that s#!t roll off my back, but ... Grrrr!!!:mad::mad:

Have any of you experienced of this kind of prejudiced discrimination just 'cause you ride a trike?


Such is life......You just have to learn to hit the ignore button in your head...Yes its hard to do, But they win if you stew over it........
Welcome to Trike Talk,never had anyone be that nasty,but i have noticed that some other HD riders will give the low wave to the bikes in the front then pull their hands up when they get to the trikes. Don't care,until they walk in my shoes they are just being ignorant.
Welcome to Trike Talk,never had anyone be that nasty,but i have noticed that some other HD riders will give the low wave to the bikes in the front then pull their hands up when they get to the trikes. Don't care,until they walk in my shoes they are just being ignorant.

I've noticed that too. Riding the two-wheeler, almost everyone waves. Not so much on the trike ... hmmm. At least we are riding. I'll just keep on waving cause I like to.

Thanks everyone else for the words of encouragement. Now I'll have to convince the missus that was an isolated occurrence and start prepping for another outing. Maybe a lunch ride to Mt. Saint Helen's? That is a great ride and it seems food always put her in a better mood. :)
I've noticed that too. Riding the two-wheeler, almost everyone waves. Not so much on the trike ... hmmm. At least we are riding. I'll just keep on waving cause I like to.

Thanks everyone else for the words of encouragement. Now I'll have to convince the missus that was an isolated occurrence and start prepping for another outing. Maybe a lunch ride to Mt. Saint Helen's? That is a great ride and it seems food always put her in a better mood. :)

I've noticed that the closer one gets to needing a trike, the more apt they are to wave.:clapping:

I actually have customers that would insult me at bike shows in the late 90's, only to become trike customers 10 years later.:laugh:
I noticed I've had more 2 wheelers wave to me on my Endeavor than before on my 2 wheeler. Don't know if it's because maybe they never seen one. I wave, you wave, you don't wave I don't care cuz I'm still enjoying the ride.
Grrrr ... :mad:

First time out with the new trike and my beloved when some uneducated, redneck, hillbilly, 30-something kid in Aberdeen, WA driving a white POS yells at us that "If you can't ride two-wheels safely you should not be riding at all." Eff'n hater. My lady did give him the quick one finger salute.

Not a good experience for my wife and I on our first 130 mile trikein' road trip. Hope it does not impact her desire to go riding with me anymore. I can let that s#!t roll off my back, but ... Grrrr!!!:mad::mad:

Have any of you experienced of this kind of prejudiced discrimination just 'cause you ride a trike?


Maybe He was just Mad cause you had a nice Trike and He can't afford a Trike.........

Enjoy your Trike. ThumbUp
Maybe He was just Mad cause you had a nice Trike and He can't afford a Trike.........

Enjoy your Trike. ThumbUp
