Ignition switch question:



My ignition switch does not operate as per the owner's manual.<br />
In position #1 which is supposed to be the acc. position nothing operates, not even the radio. I can pull the key out of the ignition in position #2 without pressing the release lever. To turn the key to the acc. position I have to press the release lever. Is this the way it's suppose to work? If so, the manual is in error.
Ok Joe, so you don't feel ignored. I can't give you an answer, I'm on the road, Stallion's in the garage back in Florida. But I'll check it out next time I get home.
In the mean time just enjoy your ride. I'm thinking about some neon on the under side.
For want of more desriptive nomemclature,you will need to have the tumblers or detents rearranged.I haven't had one apart but your dealer should be able to fix quickly. Also,the local Ford dealer could fix in less than an hour,unless you have defective parts.At least the FOMOCO will stay in business. Please post the fix.
I guess I will have to wait until Ford assumes warranty work if that ever happens.
Sounds like something is not quite right, but as long as you are able to start and stop your Stallion when you need to, just save this until you need to see your dealer, or you are able to arrange service with a Ford dealer after the new year. Personally, I have only used the acc position twice in 5k+ miles of riding. I used it to change the radio station, but you should have to use the lever to pull the key out so you don't accidentally pull your key out while you are riding. <br />
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I have a key chain that pulls apart with just my stallion key and the gas key on one ring so I don't have to hear it tap against the front panel. I find that works best for me.<br />
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As far as using a Ford dealer, it is my understanding that we may have that option come January but...... The dealer will need to agree to be part of this program and that may be the challenge. The key to this issue is that we are lacking information from TBMS. I hope we can get some information on this and other things from TBMS soon.
Personally, I have only used the acc position twice in 5k+ miles of riding. I used it to change the radio station presets and the clock (both of which cannot be done from the remote), ....<br />
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The edit function seems to be broken just like your key cylinder! I was not able to make this simple change on my post as soon as I read it.
After sending TBMS an e-mail last night, I received a phone call today from a nice man at TBMS. He had checked the assembly line and found several more Stallions like mine. He told me to check in with the local Ford dealer and they should correct it. If there is a problem they can call TBMS to confirm.
FortSand,<br />
Please let us know how working with a Ford Dealer goes. I think you are the first I have heard about how is going to use a Ford Dealer for Service! Let us know how that goes. I would think they would fall head over heals to work on a Stallion in light of being on the verge of going broke - any diversification or expansion of work will help.
hi everyone i took my stallion to ford to check my tech i dont think the owner would like me to bring it back because the place clear out to come see the stallion thay all asked what is it i told them it is a ford i think thay all were going to fall down :D this stallion is a lot of fun when you get with people thanks just wanted to share the ford story with you kippy
mattel i got to tell you this me and the wife love your ending i know we are nuts we walk around the house she can be all the way in the back room i wll say its not just a toy you can hear hear way in the back say its a stallion thanks for that buddy its a lot of fun :)kippy
I am glad you guys are enjoying my signature line! I look forward to meeting the two of you someday and hearing it in person. Did the Ford dealer get your ignition issue resolved? Did they know what you were talking about when you walked in?
hi mattel yes they were good at ford he came out check out the stallion i showed him where the obd plug was when he put his tool on it he had a hard time with it because you need the vin number and because the vin is tms not ford would not let him do anything so he went in there lot and got a 08 ranger and used its vin and it worked i talked to tms about that thay told me as of 09 ford parts and service will wook with the stallion you know i wanted to buy a new speedo set from ford because it had white gaues ford would not sell me :mad:it because the vin his not a ford truck because ford sets the miles when you replace it i hope in 09 thay do that so we can buy parts from ford this would not mess us up with all ford parts but i would like to buy what i want thanks kippy:)
I just learned I don't have any brake lights. I read the other thread on the brake light switch being filled with dielectric grease. I did check the fuse first, that's okay. Haven't checked the reference switch yet. Now I have two problems for Ford to look at.
I just replaced the offending switch today. I purchased one from NAPA part # SL108. My jobber rate was $15.01 retail I believe was around $30. As a precausion I taped the junction between the harness connector and the switch to help keep the moisture out. I will advise further on the results long term. Ted and MJ Unit 175
I was successful today in getting an appointment with the local Ford dealer to repair a couple of items on my Stallion. The appointment is for tomorrow (9 Dec.) at 7:30 am.
Getting the appointment was no small transaction. I checked in at the service department of the local Ford dealership this morning. I did not drive the Stallion down without brake lights because I wanted to be assured that it could be repaired before I drove it any farther.
I spoke with a service advisor and told him my situation. His abrupt explanation was, "We don't work on motorcycles". I requested that he call TBMS to confirm that this was ligit. He said it didn't matter, "We don't work on motorcycles". I left with that and called my contact at TBMS and he told me they would cover it regardless of where I had it repaired. I know a locksmith who could probably take care of the ignition switch. I could troubleshoot the brake light switch and he would send me a replacement. So we left it at that.
About an hour later after I arrived back at my home, I received a call from TBMS stating that the GM of the Ford dealership where I had been was trying to track me down to tell me to come back and they also gave me a contact at the Ford dealer. I got in touch with him and it was a different story from what I had been through with the service advisor. I told him I would like to bring it in tomorrow the 9th. He said, "Come on down, we'll be waiting".
Stay tuned.
hi fortsand wow thats bad that ford would not help you after you told him what the stallion is well lookes like someone gave him a jump start when i called my ford dealer told him about my stallion he said we will help you with anything well you be all right good luck kippy:)
As I previously stated I had an appointment with my local Ford dealer this morning 9 December. I arrived sharply at 7:30 and shortly afterward all the tech's fell out to look at the Stallion. I got checked in and about 8:15 they allowed me to drive it into a service bay and also to let me watch them while they did their thing. There was a total of four different tech's that actually did some work on it. They had to call TBMS a number of times for assistance, I lost track of how many times they called. They replaced the brake light switch. For the ignition switch it was a matter of rearranging the tumblers in the ignition.
To make a long story short, they had me on my way at 11:50 am or 3 hours and forty minutes later. I imagine they will stick TBMS with a fat bill.
OK, I've got a Ford story for you. I hit something on an Interstate excess road, still don't know what, and punched a hole in my oil pan. The sun was blocking the guages so I didn't know I had done anything until about a mile down the road when the engine started screaming. To make a long story short the engine was toast. Not a warrenty item but luckly covered by insurance. A Ford dealer replaced the engine with a new one and had so much traffic (people wanting to see the Stallion) that the service manager asked the GM to consider selling them. The Fords were not getting that much attention.

I have been extremely pleased with their work, and the phone help given to them by TBMS.

I am having a skid plate installed just in case my front tire decides to throw something up at the pan again.

Still a happy Stalion/Ford owner.
