Maggie Valley 2018 Registration & Info

Susan and I rode over to pidgin forge today. Lots of cars and trucks at the show. We got back this evening and got everything packed that we could,and will be leaving for our Ohio home early in the morning. Looks like it will be a wet ride home.

What ever the weather brings, be safe .
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Susan and I rode over to pidgin forge today. Lots of cars and trucks at the show. We got back this evening and got everything packed that we could,and will be leaving for our Ohio home early in the morning. Looks like it will be a wet ride home.

Have a safe ride!
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eh Fabricator,

took your advice took US 23 back nice ride......first day spent night in Portsmouth 2nd day arrivekd home about 3 pm

I like 23 better than the interstate. This morning, Rt 23 was closed just leaving Maggie Valley. I had to turn around and take I40 over to 26. It was not to bad at 6 am ,and was around 25 miles or so across 40 to 26 which runs into 23 at Kingsport.
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As mentioned in previous post, I was trapped in Sevierville with a FI light (check engine), my plan was to 'be there', hope the ride in happens in 2019, I'm giving it another shot. Troubling when over 50 riders sign up and so few show.
Folks stayed at several locations.I think the weatherman scared a few off and breakdowns stopped a few but by my figures about 75% that signed up got there.I don't understand why the lot looked bare.The weather for the most part was great and much less threatening than last year.Those that didn't make it missed out.
I'm home!! Left Friday morning at 5:30 am. Stopped someplace in PA after 621 mile day. Left PA at 5:30 am and arrived home around 3pm. I diverted to Manchester NH to pick up the Brake Rotor for my Indian so I didn't have to make another trip there today or tomorrow. Will take my Indian to the shop Mon or Tues to have that rotor replaced.

All the way home, my thoughts were with my friend 2Paps. God be with you my friend.

Was nice seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Looking forward to next year!!

Everyone please be safe and enjoy the rest of this riding season.
Glad to see you got home OK - Concerned about Ed Burette

WHEW HOO! We are home! That was a wet day! Thank God for rain gear!!!

It was a short Maggie gathering for Sara and I, but I think we are headed towards the bright side of last weeks aches and pains. My ophthalmologist came up with a great medication for my "engine oil in the eye" routine, although Sara is still seeking relief from her aches and pains.

I am concerned for Ed Burette and his trike accident on Thursday's trike ride. I've seen nothing here, and tried to call his phone and got no answer, and the hospital he might be at in Asheville is not answering their phone! The last word I had was on Friday when (Double Trouble!) Dennis sent me an email saying, the last word around 11 pm (Thursday night) was that he broken both legs, one above the knee and the or he below the knee. He also has a broken vertebrae in his neck and 2 in his back. The cat scan came back clean. He also has numerous cuts and bruises. That said, I think a fund should be established to help Ed cover his expenses.

I am sure Ed is probably looking at some heavy duty expenses, and I would like to see a fund established for him so his fellow TT trikers could donate some $$$ to help him out. Just his trike and him getting back to Florida is going to be expensive. I thought of a crowd funding project, but that is far beyond my menial computer skills, and too, the money probably should be deposited in a bank fund or a bank account.

Sara and I are praying for Ed and his wife, and for the other trikers on his ride. I am sure that the event was a very traumatic and unexpected event for all concerned! Please put Ed & his wife, and Ed's quick healing and their expenses in your prayers.

Best regards,

Chaplain Dave
From David to David!

Chaplin Dave,

Please click this link to see daily updates posted on a Trike Talk thread about Ed:

Thank you! I am glad you posted this link, I am sure that there are others also wondering what is going on and how Ed is doing. I tried to call Mission Hospital several times and got no answer, I assumed that would be where Ed was. I can't imagine a hospital not answering their phone!

I am concerned about Ed's expenses. Knowing how hospitals charge and how health care insurance works, he could have a fantastic out of pocket cost staring him in the face. Please keep us posted!

Chaplain Dave
Ed Burette's condition and his needs.

Thank you! I am glad you posted this link, I am sure that there are others also wondering what is going on and how Ed is doing. I tried to call Mission Hospital several times and got no answer, I assumed that would be where Ed was. I can't imagine a hospital not answering their phone! I am concerned about Ed's expenses. Knowing how hospitals charge and how health care insurance works, he could have a fantastic out of pocket cost staring him in the face. Please keep us posted!

Chaplain Dave

It is about time someone posted news on Ed's condition and his needs. Ed's accident happened over a week ago, and I know nothing more now about it than I did last Friday. How about a down to earth post on his condition, and his financial needs? It nothing gets going, nothing will happen! I am sure there are other trikers at Maggie who have the same concerns I have, so lets see some action. I understand that everyone is busy, but hey, we are talking about a human life here, so lets show some concern for a fellow TT triker. Ed apparently was leading a ride Thursday and doing his best for the service of others, let's do the same for him!

Chaplain Dave