Motorcycle Crash

This horrible event from the news I saw the police are still investigating into what happened and will not say if anyone will be charged or not yet. keeping all involved in our thoughts and prayers tragic though.
Truck driver ran back to Massachusetts after the crash and has been arrested there as a fugitive from justice.

When the time comes, he will face a judge for 7 counts of negligent homicide.

Justice moves slowly here in NH at times, but it eventually will catch up to those ner~do~wells who think they're home free...

Sorry but you'll have to copy/paste the link to see the full details here:
Just had an update on the local news.

He is currently out on bail from another recent incident in CT for operating under drug impairment or DUI. Guess he figured he'd never get caught again in CT.

Unfortunately for those he killed and injured, he might be carrying on in his nefarious history with impaired driving.

He evidently fled the scene after the crash, so an impaired driving charge will be difficult at best to prosecute in this case.

He deserves the maximum allowable sentence for this, especially if he was on his phone or otherwise distracted at the time of the crash...
Just had an update on the local news.

He is currently out on bail from another recent incident in CT for operating under drug impairment or DUI. Guess he figured he'd never get caught again in CT.

Unfortunately for those he killed and injured, he might be carrying on in his nefarious history with impaired driving.

He evidently fled the scene after the crash, so an impaired driving charge will be difficult at best to prosecute in this case.

He deserves the maximum allowable sentence for this, especially if he was on his phone or otherwise distracted at the time of the crash...

Clearly he was distracted .. .who drives on the wrong side of the road while they are paying attention.
Just had an update on the local news.

He is currently out on bail from another recent incident in CT for operating under drug impairment or DUI. Guess he figured he'd never get caught again in CT.

Unfortunately for those he killed and injured, he might be carrying on in his nefarious history with impaired driving.

He evidently fled the scene after the crash, so an impaired driving charge will be difficult at best to prosecute in this case.

He deserves the maximum allowable sentence for this, especially if he was on his phone or otherwise distracted at the time of the crash...

I guess I want to know is why was he driving if he was out on bail for a driving offense like DUI or such
I guess I want to know is why was he driving if he was out on bail for a driving offense like DUI or such

Why, Why you ask thats because people like that don't give a shit....What are they going to do to him...Take his drivers license away.....They already did....:mad:.....
I guess I want to know is why was he driving if he was out on bail for a driving offense like DUI or such

In NH, if it's a first offense, the actual license is taken away upon arrest and a temporary paper license is issued that is good for 30 days. Once the court case comes up, it is either returned on a finding of not guilty, or the license is suspended for the duration set by the applicable law/judge.

Refusal of a breathalyzer or blood test is automatic 1 year loss of license. Do not pass GO, & do not collect $200.00!

Not sure how it works in CT, but most N/E states are similar nowadays.
He's caught 7 counts of Vehicular Homicide. This charge is only slightly better as far as prison time goes, than 2nd Degree Murder.

He'll be locked up for awhile if found guilty, and those fellow prisoners won't take kindly to him for what he'll be in stir for, no doubt.
It seems this kid had problems with drugs and alcohol

I wonder if this is going to be his defense?

I hope his lengthy record is shown to a jury

RIP all you Bikers

Very sad day for all
I wonder if he has American citizenship or just a work visa... if just a visa (that might have been over-stayed) I hope they don’t just deport him, but give him jail time.
New Hamshire is the home of Bernie ... they will probably just release him ... ya know, after he votes .... :D


Bernie is from Vermont! Close, but NOT New Hampshire! ;);)

We are trapped by surrounding "blue" states, and most of our "professional" politicians who represent NH in DC are blue, but our Governor is GOP and somehow, in this politically correct national atmosphere, holding strong...
I wonder if he has American citizenship or just a work visa... if just a visa (that might have been over-stayed) I hope they don’t just deport him, but give him jail time.

If he over stayed his visa, he needs prison time and deportation.

If he's a naturalized citizen, pull his citizenship (its a privilege, not a right), send him to prison and then deport him back to his home country.

Another 'Shady' company just like the limo company in NY with vehicles that weren't roadworthy and improperly licensed drivers.