On curves to the left it feels softer than right curves


Just sent you a PM to your nomad email.



Managed to take the bike out on some twisties this past weekend with the new settings, the ride was definitely much more enjoyable. Still have to slow way down to take a left or right turn from say a county highway and onto a street or if the turns are too tight. Just doesn't feel right that the bike wants to throw you off of it.

I think the rake kit will definitely help. What degree is your rake and do you have handlebar risers?

I have a Traxxion Dynamics 4.5 degree rake kit and MLB risers as well... I also use a Texelent Bar for mounting my accessories...

How many hours did it take you to install the rake kit?

I didn't really keep track of it but I would guess it's about a 4-6 hour job... My Traxxion tree also came with All Balls Roller Bearings so I replaced them as well while I was in there... That required putting the races in the freezer overnite before starting the job to shrink them up a bit

So even with the bike laid over, hardware for the TP has to be removed?

Would the rear tire be easier to remove if it was raised on a lift?

For me, laying the bike over is easier... Remember I run a darkside run flat tire that is a bit tougher to squeeze into place... I do have a Handy Lift that I work on the bike with, but I am 72 years old and don't have the upper body strength I used to have, so lifting up a #25 tire and muscling it into place is to tough for me these days... If your a younger man with good upper body strength, a lift may work better for you, and if your running a standard bike tire, you may not have to shim the TP frame out of the way...

When you go to remove the TP kit do you put the pieces of wood underneath the TP tires to facilitate removal from the frame attached to the bike?

No, I put some wood under the bike's front tire to force the TP tires onto the floor with the bike on the center stand... Then I loosen the stinger bolt and the lean stop bolts and remove the cart... I would suggest keeping the stinger grease with white lithium grease or wheel bearing grease to facilitate easy removal and insertion and prevent rust...

Nothing wrong in hauling your bike on a truck to get to your destination where you can ride. I would love to do that with my station wagon but I don't think it can pull that much weight unless I get a chock to hold the front wheel while the rear wheels are left on the ground and pull my GL 1800.

I don't think that would be a good idea as proper lubrication needed for the rest of the bike may not occur... Have you thought about pulling a small inexpensive trailer... My buddy from Chicago uses a Kendon folding trailer and that works out quite well for him with his Ford Escape...

Sounds like you are quite happy with your TP, ever think of going to a real trike?

Yeah, the wife and I talk about it all the time but the last estimate I received from a local trike shop was just north of $17K!!! That's a he** of a lot of money and I would rather spend it on other things we need or want to do... The better way to go may be to sell my bike and buy a trike that is already built... From what I see in looking at adds, I could do that for 8-10K rather than 17K... But for now, the TP is doing everything I want it to, so I see no need to change... I did ride a Tilting Motor Werks conversion the other day a friend of mine has and was very disappointed in it's handling, so guess I will stay with the regular trike configuration for now... At my age, one has to look at how much longer I will be able to ride versus spending large amounts of money, so I weigh those decisions very carefully...

I appreciate you offering your garage to have the rake done and a place for to stay. I am deciding on rake kit and also the wing ding. I will let you know if I am going.

OK, sounds great - just let me know what your thinking and we can make it happen and I have no qualms about riding up to Knoxville and meeting you there, or you coming to my house and us riding up together... Like I said, we have plenty of room and putting you up would not be an issue - - - - AND I make an excellent smoked pulled pork, brisket, or even smoked burgers!!!

The PM thing is not working, I think a member said the PM function does not work because of the spam some members are receiving. Try sending me a PM. I tried but it didn't go thru.

Is there another way we can communicate in private?

Send me an e-mail at "nomad3150@sbcglobal.net" and I will give you my private e-mail from there... The nomad address is a junk e-mail address I use and I don't want to give out my private one here on the forum... Just let me know here when you send the PM so I can go check the nomad e-mail account as I have stopped forwarding form that account to my private account...

Hope you did some good riding this weekend.

We're on vacation out west right now and currently in Sedona, AZ where it is OMG hot, hot, hot!!! Temps have been in the low 100's for the several last few weeks where we have been, so needless to say not a lot of riding has occurred... Can't wait to get back "to the cool" of my Tennessee, where I can start riding again... Won't make the mistake of coming west again in July!!!
