On My Way to Eureka Springs

Joining a ride out of Eureka Springs. Reached Flora, Illinois. Traveled 950 miles so far. Should be able to pass St. Louis tomorrow. Have three more days to get to Eureka Springs. Looks like I side-stepped the rain coming from the Great Lakes. Should have sunshine the whole way. No issues with my ride or shoulder.
Did you go thru Lawrenceville, Il. The picture that shows RT.50 looks like close to OLney Il. Sounds like a great ride. Ride safe.

Yes, went through Lawrenceville. I'm in Flora right now. Looking to get close to Arkansas today. Picture of US50 was taken in Indiana. Having a great time! :)
Hey Rosy,

Met some nice folks from East St. Louis. Maybe they were your parents. :Shrug:

Getting around St. Louis is quite an experience. Happy to see the Gateway Arch and Busch Stadium. Most of all, glad to be away from St. Louis. ;)

All is going well on the trip so far. Reached Springfield, MO. Will be in Eureka Springs, AR tomorrow.


p.s. Wind in what hair? :laugh:
All moved into the Trails Inn for six nights. Traveled 1358 miles in five days to get here. Had Sunday brunch at Forest Hill Restaurant up the road. For dessert they had possum pie and pumpkin cheesecake pie. Food was very good. Told another person in our group should be arriving tonight. Lots of bikes of all kinds traveling the roads. Inn has an outdoor heated pool. Think I'll go soak for a while.
Here are a couple pictures. I ate half of the possum pie in the picture. The pumpkin cheesecake pie was delicious.
I don't know, 500 miles can be 12 hours with gas and stops. Am I too far wrong with this statement? I guess 12 hours in the saddle is long enough to look for a nice place to crash and burn for a few hours! I guess it would be Miller time!


From NH

12 hours of daylight driving is hard to get this time of year. Darkness can be cold, and there is a chance of hitting critters. 500 miles is a lot for one day. Sometimes getting a room is a problem. Better to spread the trip and enjoy every day.
Hi Leo
Sounds like you are having a great adventure......enjoy and ride safe and keep us posted as you go, this trip you may have to just settle for a dinner at Red Lobster in Arkansas, you got spoiled in New England with their lobster!

:laugh: No lobster yet... Have been eating a lot since I got in town. Had the brunch and then a huge chef salad for dinner. Ate a lot of seasoned catfish from the bar. I'm stuffed. Had dinner with one of my riding buddies from Key West. We had a nice time. Nice to hear from you! :wave4:
Had a nice ride through some Missouri twisties today. This one road was back and forth and had signs everywhere. Local tells us that there is an incident on that road nearly every day. We only found out after our ride. :Shrug: We had a fun time.
Got a call from my friend Bernie (berngren). He lives in Saginaw, TX. He is going to spend the day riding with us. I'm so happy!
Leo, I really had a nice time with you and your friends. I wish I could have stay longer; but on short noticed you do what you can. The total trip miles were 929. I stayed over in Sallisaw, Ok, and reached home on Wednesday, 26th Sept - It was very windy in Oklahoma. I was getting 22 - 25 mpg @ 70 - I did enjoyed myself and I was glad to meet you after missing you last year in NJ. I do hope we get a chance to meet again when I go to NY in 2013. (of course Lord Willing)

Tell everybody I said thanks for everything and have a safe trip back home. I really did enjoyed everyone - You be safe returning home and keep us abreast of your trip home.
Hi Rosy,

Jeannette did not make this trip. The distance was too long, and we did some aggressive riding in the twisties. Not Jeannette's kind of riding. Our host is an Arkansas native, and he really showed us a great time. The ferry ride was a nice touch. Yes, I caught hot rolls. We all did. They also came around with buckets of other goodies like black eyed peas and fried okra. It was great fun. Yes, the peach cobbler was yummy. Did not see Bonnie and Clyde. :))

Riding the Arkansas/Missouri twisties was great fun, but we saw multiple motorcycle accidents. One person's blue harley was laying on its side and person was in ambulence. Another person took a corner too hot while pulling a trailer and went off into a ditch. He was also in a ambulence. One road we traveled is heavily marked, and a local tells us there is an incident there every day. There are a lot of bikes/trikes, and it can be quite dangerous. Having said that, the riding is outstanding!

Will stop at Hannigan factory in Murray, KY on Monday to get some vented, stainless steel rotors with new brake pads. Today, I need to locate a burnt fuse for my cigarette lighter.

Sorry for the poor quality of some of my pictures. A lot of folks were handling my camera, and the wheel setting at the top of the camera kept getting changed. :-( I want to post another fuzzy picture. This couple in their 80's had these fancy his/her harley trikes on Pig Trail. Really cool!
The three amigos have made it to West Memphis for the night. Bob will split off tomorrow for Key West.

Replaced the fuse for our cigarette lighter, so I have a GPS again. :)
Had an interesting day. The three amigos went to Corinth, MS to see a motorcycle dealer. Turned out dealer is a collector of old motorcycles, and he has an extensive collection. Enjoyed our visit very much.

Bob left us at Corinth. Leonard parted at Camden, TN. I'm now solo. Holding up a couple nights in Paris, TN. Will take our trike to Hannigan at Murray, KY on Monday. After 11 days of riding, will relax tomorrow and spend time in the pool.
Leo, been to Lake Hill Motors many times and seen the collection of vintage motorcycles. always fun to see them and remember some of those me and my friends rode in my younger days. Have a safe trip home. Some very pretty country around Paris TN. Suggest you ride through the Land between the Lakes. it's a beautiful ride. Most anyone around Paris can give you directions.

It was such a beautiful morning that I decided to ride "The Trace" through the Land Between the Lakes, Tennessee to Kentucky. Also located Hannigan factory in Kentucky. Garmin shows Hannigan on the north side of Murray, but it is located on the south side.