Personal (vanity) plates- who has them?

N.J. allows 5 letters/numbers/spaces total on M/C plates. With few "clever" choices left, we settled on HISGW and HERGW...not too bad, I suppose. :Shrug:
I knew at a glance what HISGW is . Seen a fe that had to explained to me. My car with JAL 88 ( my initials and 88 is love and kisses when signing off on a radio transmittion )
Numbers Originaly used by telegraph Operators to shorten messages has become 88 (love and kisses). I don't know when this came about. 30 is still used in the newspaper and magazine business to indicate the end of a feature, story, or column. And, of course, 73 is still used by amateur radio operators to mean "best regards". I was big I in HAM and CB radio. So next time you sign off on the CB ( men talking to the ladies or ladies talking to men ) remember 88 or 73
Glad you recognized HISGW & HERGW. With all the good, cute or clever "stuff" already taken, we wondered how "recognizable" these would be to others. We expect to be up your way in Aug for the rally, see you then... :wave4:

I never got into HAM radio, but many years ago was active in SSB CB. 73's and 88's were frequently used when signing off.
I just ordered my Plate here in KY. I don't think Mommy was too happy, but I was being a smart ass.IDDOME. I got the idea from a patch I had bought in a MC leather store.
THe patch said I would do me. I shortened it.
Went to the Virginia License plate web site and, lo and behold, the old plate that I had on my Valkyrie years ago was, once again, available. So, I placed it on a 90 day reserve and will order it within the next couple of weeks. I had looked over and over again for a couple of years and it was in use. Needless to say I reserved it immediately!!!!!

I don't see the point of a vanity plate if you can't figure out what it is.

Our cars have vanity plated EFUDD and JAL88. My trike is 686989 even if I end up upside down it is still 686989 ..

Saw this. AU.WING on a plate I was confused till I found this.
Chemical - Name

That one is cute & scientifically correct, but how many folks are chemists or carry around their pocket version of the "periodic table" to verify their "guess". I prefer plates that even a putz like me can easily figure out (even if the plates are upside down - :D ).
Originally Posted by John Luciano

Saw this. AU.WING on a plate I was confused till I found this.
Chemical - Name
That one is cute & scientifically correct, but how many folks are chemists or carry around their pocket version of the "periodic table" to verify their "guess". I prefer plates that even a putz like me can easily figure out (even if the plates are upside down - :D ).

See, I would have gone with Astronomical Unit for AU, possibly for how far they ride. Might be overthinking it. Skipped Chemistry in high school and went right into Physics (1 AU=92,955,807.273 miles. Earth-Sun distance).:qpnmt: