Prayer Request

I can truly believe those glands can produce a quart of spit a day. I've had the one under the tongue that's right under the jaw area, or feels like it when feeling for it with my tongue, anyway, that gland has literally squirted my mirror when I open my mouth wide. Now I thought that was the only one but you make it sound like there are more. Maybe I produce 2 quarts then since I appear to have that squirter. :xzqxz::Shrug::D

I can't imagine how painful getting that one cleaned out might be. That's one tender area there.

Alan, sounds like someone is on the right track with your issue now. Continued prayers that the situation can be resolved without surgery.
Holy Cow, who would have thunk it

I sure hope this gets you back to normal ( What ever that may be for you);)

You will remain in my prayers:clapping:
Hang in Alan, lots of folks here getting that little prayer in. Never heard of your health issue but lots of things I never hard of. I join you in hoping this thing goes away without surgery.
So a full day on the antibiotics ... my forehead above the right eye, right cheek and the inside of my mouth on the right side have had a burning sensation since around noon. Kind of disconcerting, so I called the ENT's office. They actually put the doc on the phone and he told me that was a good sign and that it meant the infection was trying to break up ... I sure hope it does.

I'm getting sick and tired or being sick and tired ... the next shoe to fall will probably be my appointment to a Jury this Friday ... maybe I can get out of it having a "contagious disease" :Shrug: or at least for having tummy issues because of the antibiotic killing off the enzymes ... not to get graphic, but, the good news is, I'm not able to watch any of the impeachment stuff ... I've moved the laptop to the John ... :blush: ... this new development was forecasted by the ENT because the antibiotic I'm on is pretty aggressive, 500mg of Clindamycin 3 time a day. It started around 2 this afternoon. That is with me eating a yogurt yesterday and today, as directed, to help with the tummy stuff. And the hits just keep on coming. :D

Oh yea .. the toe is to the point where if I don't bang it ... I almost don't know it's there ... almost, but, not quite.
Final Update .... I hope ...

Okay, so the antibiotic run is done. I've seen the Eye Doc, the Allergist, the ENT, my GP, I've have blood work, a CAT Scan, urinalysis and who knows what else.

So, had a meeting with the GP yesterday. It would seem I'm gonna live ... ThumbUp ... I feel better than I have in some time. I haven't felt bad ... just "off".

Okay, so here's the consensus of all the medical master minds after reviewing my records and test/exam results.

Back in January 2019, I had a total knee replacement on the left leg. The brain trust believes that as a result of that surgery I developed an infection in the right spit glad. What brought them to that conclusion? As I woke in the recovery room from that surgery, I mentioned to the surgeon that the right side of my face "Tingled" and the middle finger on my right hand was numb. The surgeon told me it probably had something to do with the anesthesia and if those things didn't go away, to let him know. I had totally forgot about that.

At my two week checkup and staple removal, he asked about those two things and I told him the face wasn't tingling, but, the finger was still numb, it's still numb today. The neurologist thinks the nerves to that finger were "aggravated" during surgery and should eventually calm down and gave me some exercises to help. It actually is getting better.

Okay, back to the knot and tingling face. The conclusion was that the very small post op infection in the spit gland just kind of festered for the whole year. They all believe my body did a good job fighting it, right up until the little distribution fingers started to get clogged up, this caused the spit gland to swell and develop pressure. When it got pretty full, it would get sore and a pretty big, hard knot would form. The pressure would eventually push through the distribution fingers and it would feel better and the swelling would go down ... repeat as necessary.

So, between the antibiotics and the "massaging exercises" the ENT and the Allergist taught me, I am feeling well. Both the ENT and the Allergist have told me the "massaging" should become a regular thing. Apparently the distribution system is tiny and once it's been clogged or partially clogged, they are susceptible to getting that way again. :Shrug:

So, like I said, I am welling well. My membership at Gold's gym doubled in price recently (like $45 a month, the Gym was bought out by another company and is now becoming a boutique workout club. I dropped them and went and joined Planet Fitness.

Did my first "workout" this morning (schedule it for 5am) .. LOL ... not sure you could call it that ... between the shark bite, two knee replacements, and the knot ... been awhile since I have done anything but therapy :blush: ... with the membership, you get a One-on-One with a gal that designs a "plan" to achieve your goals, then she shows you how to get the best results with the machines for your desires.

My goals were to do some sort of cardio that both would keep my heart strong and my knees flexible. Also, I wanted to work on my core so my lower back issues wouldn't get worse. The first step was a recumbent bike machine. Never rode one of those before. Kinda weird, but, the gal explained that it was the best option to not hurt my knees or my back. We started with little to no resistance .. LOL .. felt like I was riding up the Rockies ... did I mention I haven't done anything except therapy for awhile. Thirty minutes was all I could handle.

Next she set me up with a series of 8 machines to straighten my core, as well as, upper body and lower body. She said my lower body was pretty strong. I told her to carry "this" around and her legs could be strong too .. :D

Anyway, bottom line, I'm feeling well and back to working out. I have a feeling, later today I'm gonna need the hot tub ... :blush: ... I left the gym sweaty and tired .. kind of a good feeling. We'll see how I feel when I wake tomorrow. :AGGHH:
It would take me 5 hours to type that ......And spell check would run out of ink or whatever they use to highlight misspellings...:Shrug:....:laugh:..

My last 5 years in the Navy Nuclear Power program was mostly paperwork, we used to say, "If the ship ever starts to sink, we'll chuck the paperwork over the side, tie up to it and go on liberty."

My typing skills got pretty good and with the "computer age", guess I just kept them up.

For the record ... you compensate for my longer posts with your volume ... :clapping::D:clapping::D:clapping::D
Wow Alan! I think that wore me out too!

Glad you are getting better and know what your issue was. Now if your workout coach don't wear you out maybe you'll get back to feeling like your old self or better! ThumbUp
My last 5 years in the Navy Nuclear Power program was mostly paperwork, we used to say, "If the ship ever starts to sink, we'll chuck the paperwork over the side, tie up to it and go on liberty."

My typing skills got pretty good and with the "computer age", guess I just kept them up.

For the record ... you compensate for my longer posts with your volume ... :clapping::D:clapping::D:clapping::D

............:clapping:..........And it also save's spellcheck's ink....ThumbUp...I tried voice posting through Siri.....But that was even Worster....For some reason She couldn't translate Brooklynese.. :xzqxz:.....:D...
I think thats called 'proof-reading' isn't it? ;)

I guess so.....But for me its 'Proof' i didn't proof read it....:laugh:...I don't know if this happeneds to anyone else....But sometimes i read words that i didn't type in, Guess its The brain working faster and seeing more than the finger typed in.....:xzqxz:

Yet when i reread it sometime later i can see the missing words i didn't type in...:xzqxz:.
Last edited:
I guess so.....But for me its 'Proof' i didn't proof read it....:laugh:...I don't know if this happeneds to anyone else....But sometimes i read words that i didn't type in, Guess its The brain working faster and seeing more than the finger typed in.....:xzqxz:

Yet when i reread it sometime later i can see the missing words i didn't type in...:xzqxz:.

Just an FYI...By default, Gold Members are not supposed to show a "Last Edited" message on your posts, thats the selection I checked in the options, but for some reason its there, so I will have to try and figure out why that is.
Just an FYI...By default, Gold Members are not supposed to show an "Last Edited" message on your posts, thats the selection I checked in the options, but for some reason its there, so I will have to try and figure out why that is.

I just had to do one of my infamous Edit....And everything is Okey- Dokey now.ThumbUp

Use's tech guys are on the ball.....:clapping:...