Questions about knee replacement


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I have a bad knee that has been previously repaired. i tore my meniscus and they repaired it.

now i have torn it again, it is burning bad and i can feel that possibly to much is gone to repair. i am thinking i will need replacement. i have not seen the doctor yet.

My question is? do they remove bone? How bad does this hurt?

Do you feel the implant and how uncomfortable is this feeling?

how long is the healing time? do you have limitations after because of the implant or can you function normally?

I do a lot of heavy lifting, work on my trike and so on. There is no one to do these things for me while healing, so recovery time is a concern.

My other problem is getting to PT. How much PT is there? How long are you immobilized? The last time when i had my knee repaired i had a car, i just put my leg on the passenger seat, and got to PT no problem. I'm assuming i will need help getting to PT for the beginning.

This time i only have my trike. will i be able to use my trike to get to PT, Or will i have to arrange for help. If so for how long? Need to know before i see the doctor and commit to the fix. As it is i expect to have to wait until sept. because of the heat here. it is now up to 120 degrees. this kind of heat would be counter productive to be in when going to PT and then have to ride back as well. it would be completely exhausting. i also don't want to wait until winter, although it is easier to keep something warm than it is to cool.

Is there something i can mount on the trike to hold my leg while i healing? If so is there someone local that can help me with that for cheap? Maybe part of a wheel chair, you know the leg support part?

any help will be appreciated, please remember i can take almost any pain and make what i have work. my concern is if i will be able to ride to PT on my trike. I can arrange for help with everything else, shopping and so on.

For information i took my first MC endorsement test at 15 with an elbow cast on my left arm, i got 100% and passed. I am used to adapting to my need.

Thank you for you time and answers and responses:yes:
Many of your questions will be answered very uniquely to your own case, triwinggirl, in fact you may not need the replacement surgery at all. But there have been amazing strides forward in joint replacement surgery, if that is recommended. There is always some bone removed and replaced with titanium parts, but they rarely have to remove and replace the entire joint any more, so recovery is not as difficult and long as it used to be. Also, they will have you up and walking with crutches within 24 hours in most cases. There will be therapy recommended afterward, but how much you need of that will depend much on what you do at home to help your progress along, and how fit you are to start with. It is different for every individual.

I'd strongly recommend you see an orthopedic specialist right away for an evaluation. He/she will be able to give you more specific answers. And, as I said above, you may not even need the replacement surgery....... an arthroscopic repair with minimal down-time may be the recommended solution!
triwinggirl - I may not be a doctor, but I saw one on TV. Unfortunately, it was while watching MASH. If I remember the episode correctly (fat chance of that happening) Hawkeye would recommend vast quantities of alcohol. This wouldn't do anything to fix the knee, but you would be numb and couldn't walk anyway!:D
Best of luck on getting it taken care of and to a speedy recovery.
Might I suggest a Taxi to get U to and from the Hosp. and maybe a rental car for a short time thereafter???? Cheaper than paying to get the trike fixed when U can't stop it :eek:

Or find someone U trust to ride U on ur trike!!!!

Good Luck
Do NOT hesitate to long . the more damage will be done the longer to heal and the more surgery will be involved I just found that out today.
The last time i tore my knee was when i got hit by a car. i walked on the knee for 5 years, before getting it fixed. i didn't know it was torn, i just knew it hurt to walk. i am aware of what they can do and what I am in for. I am going to need scope surgery at best, new parts at worst. I am preparing for this so things will be easier on my roommate.

I was hoping to hear from some people that have had a knee replaced. I know what the doctor will say. i want to hear about your experience. So I can know what to expect after it's done and prepare for it. My rehab took three months last time, from the scope surgery they did.

There is a local anchorman here that is apparently having a knee replaced.
He will only be gone a month. When I heard about this I became interested in why a replacement healed quicker than a repair? I would like to know if you can function normally or if you have limitations because of the implant?

This is why I'm modifying my trike now, while I'm still able. I will post pic's of what I make. I know the highway peg won't be enough. I will need something under my leg for support. We actually use a lot of muscles when we use those highway pegs. Muscles I won't be able to use for awhile.

If you are uncomfortable about talking about your experience in a post please send me a PM. I'm just trying to prepare for what I know is going to happen. The reason I have not seen the surgeon yet is I just got the referral. I am going to have some kind of surgery soon on my knee.

Thank you for your help and prayers


Fear is not an option, prepare, adapt, overcome, modify, never surrender

Pain is but a figment of the imagination
Sorry can't help with info, but the best of luck with the procedure and hope you heal quickly.
I have a hip replacement and I have a friend who had both his knees replaced.You are looking at 6-8 weeks after surgery to rehab.You probably will not be able to ride your trike right after surgery.It will take a while to be able to bend your knee enough.All of your PT will be how much work you do at getting stronger and more flexible.This is based on how much effort you are willing to put out.For full recovery it's about a year.Rehab is not easy and takes a lot of work.I know this sounds daunting but like me I was bone on bone and that's a lot of pain but the pain at working to get stronger is worth the effort in the long run.There are a lot of support forums for knee replacements on-line you could get some info too.Good luck, Ken
I had both my knees replaced last November. Went to PT for 6 weeks and returned to work after 7 weeks. If you work hard at PT you will be fine. I pushed and worked very had at PT and was able to have a 140 degree bend with my knees which is all a person has.

I have no problem getting on, off, or riding my trike. It all depends on you and your doctor. They had me standing the day of surgery and walking with a walker the next day and started PT.
I've had three total knee replacements all on right knee. Walkining the day after surgery in the hospital. I had 97* bend. I was in the hospital 3 days. Then walking around the house on crutches or cane for about 6 weeks with in house therapy. Then good to go.
triwinggirl, I have never been a good patient. I did most of my rehab at home. I have exercise equipment and a pool at home.
The more you use all the other muscles in your leg, before and after the surgery, the better off you will be throughout your recovery.
My favorite exercise was sitting on my trike trying to bend my leg enough to reach the brake. There was lots of incentive to be able to do that one chore.
After a couple weeks, I was able to reach the brake.
I was told by my doctor to do everything but try to run.
I was a little sore after exercising but the pain would go away soon.
Everybody heals at a different pace. Do what you think is good for you.
Sorry about rambling on. Good luck.
I had a partial knee replacement a couple years ago and wished I had done it sooner when it was over. I had mine done at the Jewett Clinic where the Orlando Magic have their knees fixed and was very pleased. The Dr told me giong in the I wouldn't know until he was done if I was going to get a total or partial replacement. Once he gets in there, he will determine if the bone is strong enough and in good enough shape for a partial or the complete knee. Was laid up for a few weeks with in house therapy and was able to drive myself to the therapy clinic for the followup.
In house therapy? That must be something new.

Last time i had it done. They had me up and going in for therapy right away. I had a car then though.

it sounds like I may be over reacting a little. We will see, I see the doctor Tues. Gonna build a leg support for my trike anyway.
I nave had both knees replaced seven years ago and am looking at the possibility of a hip replacement. No regrets on the procedure, I was awake but they wouldn't let me watch.
In house therapy? That must be something new.

Last time i had it done. They had me up and going in for therapy right away. I had a car then though.

it sounds like I may be over reacting a little. We will see, I see the doctor Tues. Gonna build a leg support for my trike anyway.

With the first operation (scope) it was like you had, but with the partial knee replacement, I was on a knee flexing machine in the hospital with a follow up machine at home for about a week. Worked great.
Won't be able to see the doctor until Thurs now. Plus my ride bailed on me. So I'm glad it's only going to be 105 thursday. YEEE HAA I hate counting on others.
Well doctor asked me if I wanted a shot, or some anti-inflammatory. I said no.
I have to wait for approval for the MRI. I guess the government think i can wait.

Anyway the doctor didn't seem to concerned because i'm not in enough pain. I tried to explain that I think I'm dead, but he disagreed. He also didn't believe that don't feel pain anymore. Go figure that same question was possed here, how can you stand the pain? Because I have to.

Well I'm Still waiting for word as to if I'm hurt or not. I'm on the government health plan though, My money is on, NO HEP FUR YU. At least not until yur leg fall off.

Saw my x-rays, I think from my years of looking a x-rays that there is an issue. But I have been Wrong once?
Good News

As I said I thought I tore My knee, From the pain I was having. My knee hurt like h-ll and was very swollen.

When the doctors go da I have learned to look for a secondary cause.

The good news is I found one. I was taking a perscription that was causing me to hold water and swell up. I stopped taking it and most all my extra pain is stopping. So I guess I'm OK
