Questions for those who pull a trailer behind their trike

We are thinking about getting a trailer to pull behind our trike (2012 Tri-Glide). For those of you who pull a trailer what effect did it have on gas mileage? How about performance (acceleration and climbing hills). What do you do with the trailer when you reach your destination? Don't know about other states but here in California there are lane restrictions for any vehicle towing a trailer (you are restricted to the same lanes that trucks are). These lanes are more tore up from truck traffic and much rougher to ride on. How do you cope with that? Also in California you are restricted to a max speed of 55 MPH (though you don't see anybody complying with that). I do not see much enforcement of this speed limit so I guess people just ignore it and take their chances. Do you just take your chances? To ride at 55 out here is to take your life in your hands. I usually like to ride between 65-70 MPH on the freeways but with a trailer in tow you are taking a chance of getting cited. Having a trailer sure opens up the opportunity to travel for weeks at a time. Thanks in advance for any input.

trailer facts

Fuel mileage decrease = Yes

Down shifting on inclines = yes

Left Lane/Right lane = go with the flo don't get run over !

Owning a trailer in the state of California, and possibly causing cancer :Shrug:

I pull a trailer behind my GL1800 and mileage might be 1-2 mpg less but that's about it. Never noticed any handling difference with the trailer behind. I padlock the safety chains to the receiver hitch when traveling. I haven't been in a situation where there were rules about all vehicles pulling trailers were restricted on speed or lanes to use so can't offer any advice there.

Here's a pic of mine with the trailer.

Best of luck to you.


Pulled a trailer behind the Stallion from Delaware to Texas - had to keep checking to make sure the thing hadn't came off. Didn't even know it was there, but, also, there wasn't much of a load. Only other time is with the Goldwing when I bought the unit. It was empty, so it had no effect on handling, braking, etc. The best thing about being from California is being from California, as in not living there anymore.