Rank Question

nokkon wud

50+ Posts
I've been asking this for a long time and have not got much of a answer.

So I'll ask you guys....

A Major is higher than a Lieutenant. Why is a Lieutenant General higher than a Major General?
Don't know about all of this but in the Navy, as an E9 I had more pull than most of the officers.

Strange that you mention that but in the Nam I once saw a E-9 with a star and oak leaf cluster around the star (Command Sgt Major) leave a Major nearly crying for his mama when the E-9 got through shaving his butt close for jacking with the troops unnecessarily out in the boonies and they nearly took him out in his Huey chopper with a 50 cal and he giving the troops pure hell for it in return. It got so bad that a two star had to come out to the unit to get things sorted out himself. Needless to say the Major in question couldn't be seen or heard from until he rotated back to the states not long after. That made the troops smile and want to do their job again.
I have worked for all of them. They are all important to the Rank Structure. Brigadier General is just getting started and will command a Brigade or a small installation. Major General will command a Division or a major installation. Lieutenant General is getting groomed for a 4th star and works at the Army level or in a senior Army Staff Position. General is the top dog and is the decision maker for their part of the Army.

Every one of them has a Command Sergeant Major that only reports to the General, keep in mine the military rank structure, the CSM is the top Enlisted person and the General is the top Officer. I had one General that introduced me to everyone and stated, if this CSM is providing you with my requests or discussing something that needs attention, just do it and if you have an issue with it, just come and see me and I will deal with the CSM.
military rank

As a retired Navy E8 (ETCS(SW) There were E9s and there were master chiefs....the E-9's wore the two stars, but let the officers walk all over them.... the Master Chiefs ate the officers and spit them out. My experience with navy rank structure was the Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs ran the navy, the smart officers listened to them, and realized that the Navy Chiefs could make them or break them.... Personally as a Senior Chief I always respected the rank, but the man had to earn it.... same with my troops....I had their respect because I had the anchor and star..... but I too had to earn their trust....

I told my young sailors that the anchors on my collars were shit filters....all the BS from above had to get past me..... after a short time they figured out that I was there to take care of them, get the job done, and make sure my junior officer learned the right way...my job was to train the J.O.s had a ball.....

As a retired Navy E8 (ETCS(SW) There were E9s and there were master chiefs....the E-9's wore the two stars, but let the officers walk all over them.... the Master Chiefs ate the officers and spit them out. My experience with navy rank structure was the Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs ran the navy, the smart officers listened to them, and realized that the Navy Chiefs could make them or break them.... Personally as a Senior Chief I always respected the rank, but the man had to earn it.... same with my troops....I had their respect because I had the anchor and star..... but I too had to earn their trust....

I told my young sailors that the anchors on my collars were shit filters....all the BS from above had to get past me..... after a short time they figured out that I was there to take care of them, get the job done, and make sure my junior officer learned the right way...my job was to train the J.O.s had a ball.....

I retired as a Senior Chief also (FTCS (SS)) I agree....
To respond to the original post question, the reason a Lieutenant General is higher rank than a Major General is this. If the full General who was in charge was absent for any reason, (the tenant General) the next higher rank person filled that position for him in Lieu of his absence. So he acted in lieu of the tenant general for that time....