Regional sayings

rhino 2

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I was just thinking what do people call stuff where they live that goes by a different name in other parts of the country...Like Frank in upstate NY, just mentioned in the wind chill tread' A fire hydrant. When i was a kid in Brooklyn we called it a Johnny Pump..Soda in the New York area is called POP In some parts of the country...
Any more out there.....:Shrug:

I grew up in Minnesota (correctly pronounced "Minnasoda":

Rubber band is a "Rubber Binder"

Lend is Borrow. as in "Borrow me a dollar"

Casserole is the (usually glass) vessel in which you cook "Hotdish"
Q.E.D. - casserole (the food) is "Hotdish"

A snack or dessert (usually) baked in a flat pan, about 1.5" thick or less cut into bite size pieces are "Bars."

"Could be worse." is the response to How are you? instead of good, fine or well. If you are in exceptionally good spirits, it is proper to say "Not too bad."

The song ends with "If one of those bottles should happen to fall, I'll be there to drink it all" instead of Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

The game is "Duck, Duck, Gray Duck" not Duck, Duck, Goose
Here's some Texan speak for y'a

Y’all – used in place of you all or you guys ALWAYS
Howdy – common greeting among Texans meaning “how do you do?”
Ain’t – are not
Uh huh – Yes
Over yonder – used in place of over there
Tuckered out – used instead of exhausted
Right quick – used in place of quickly
Conniption fit – to get upset and and raise a ruckus. Example – “My momma is fixin’ tuh have a conniption fit if you don’t do them dishes right quick.”
Supper – dinner
Looker – an attractive woman
Yankee – Anyone who lives North of the Mason-Dixon line
Tank – pond
Sure’nuff (one word) – sure enough – usually used to express agreement. Example – “Dang that girl’s a looker.” “Yep, she sure’nuff is.”
Coke – any type of soda
The world....
For get about it........

New York Metro Area....
Everybody else--The roads are icy.

Kentucky--It's slicker than snot on a doorknob out there!
Pennsylvania take this down to the hard road and make a right. Never heard a paved road called a hard road. Course most roads here are paved. Taylor ham pork roll same thing but you won't find it anywhere but New Jersey.
A bridge by another name......
Manhattan.... The 59th Street Bridge...
Queens... The Queensborough Bridge...