Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We get back on the road and it is just amazing.

Long straight aways.


Long Sweepers.


Lots of elevation changes.


Even though the speed limit is 100 km (62 mph), almost everyone is running 75-90 mph out here. I set in at a comfortable pace of 75-80. Was getting 29 mpg, (even with all the mountains/hills, when I stay between 60-70 we are getting 35-39 mpg)BUT, I was not worried about 29 mpg because there were two more gas stops between Wonowon and Fort Nelson. I only needed one of them.


We came to the first one...NO GAS...talked to a local and he said the next stop was closed up also, and there was no more gas until Fort Nelson!

Uh-Oh. That was over 80 km away and I had about 1 gallon left (My low fuel light was on...so it was a little less than a gallon).

Some quick math let me know that even at 40 mpg, less than a gallon was not going to get me 80 km (50 miles). Plus, having never traveled this road, I did not know if it was going to continue to be rolling hills, or if we would be climbing a mountain pass.

The Power Vision came in very handy! I did a quick fuel tweak, leaning out the map by 14%. Another useful feature is that the screen can display both your throttle position and the real-time MPG you are getting.

Within a few miles I found that 9% throttle yielded the best MPG whether going uphill or downhill, no matter what gear I was in.

So off we went at speeds varying between 45 and as slow as 11 mph. Most of the 50 miles was between 30 and 35 mph.

lol I just kept the throttle at 9% and used whatever gear I needed to keep it from lugging.

This last hill is steeper than this picture looks-


As you can see I was going about 11 mph at 9% throttle (in first gear) up this hill for over a mile.


We were never happier to see a gas station!

We filled up and the 6 gallon tank took 5.95 gallons! That was close!


Got a motel, unloaded, went to eat a Birthday dinner, came back and parked on the walkway right outside the room.

This pic was taken about 11:30 pm, notice how light it still is.


A day to remember!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Kevin, I am LOVING this ride report and pictures! My family home is in Southern BC, near Vancouver, and I still have a brother living in that area so go up for visits. Before my parents died, Mike and I rode our bikes from Dayton, OH up into Canada, across to the west coast through the Rockies, and down through the Fraser Canyon for a week in Abbotsford with them. Then we reversed your trip, heading south into the States and back home via Yellowstone. Your pictures through Banff, Lake Louise area, and the Ice Field Highway bring back wonderful memories. Mike had never been in Canada away from the "home" area around Vancouver, and was stunned by the majesty and rugged beauty of the country. I showed him your ride report, and he has been following along and enjoying it as well! It makes us both want to do the trip again, only head north as you and Mary are doing!
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Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

FANTASTIC Pics and Report.....interesting Facts about tuning Your Power Vision also....Thanks, Really Glad You shared This.....ThumbUp :10:
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Kevin, I am LOVING this ride report and pictures! My family home is in Southern BC, near Vancouver, and I still have a brother living in that area so go up for visits. Before my parents died, Mike and I rode our bikes from Dayton, OH up into Canada, across to the west coast through the Rockies, and down through the Fraser Canyon for a week in Abbotsford with them. Then we reversed your trip, heading south into the States and back home via Yellowstone. Your pictures through Banff, Lake Louise area, and the Ice Field Highway bring back wonderful memories. Mike had never been in Canada away from the "home" area around Vancouver, and was stunned by the majesty and rugged beauty of the country. I showed him your ride report, and he has been following along and enjoying it as well! It makes us both want to do the trip again, only head north as you and Mary are doing!

Very Cool. The areas you mentioned have been a highlight! It just keeps going, mind-boggling really how amazing the area is!

FANTASTIC Pics and Report.....interesting Facts about tuning Your Power Vision also....Thanks, Really Glad You shared This.....ThumbUp :10:


Yeah, we would have def been on the side of the road without it.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We left out of Fort Nelson for Watson Lake. This ended up being a pretty full day!

These signs are in Kilometers, not miles.


Started out another beautiful (still cold) day, with great roads full of twistys, sweepers, straights and lots of elevation changes.


Lots of wildlife today...

These two black bears came down the hill to cross the road. The first one went right across.



We were stopped. Truck coming the other way was a bit surprised and had to brake pretty hard to keep their radiator where it belonged. lol


The second one started across, then turned around, headed back to where it came from...


Then changed his mind again, and went ahead and crossed. We watched the whole thing from the side of the road (on the bike) about 40 yards away.


Back moving down the road.



More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Sunny day was about to change.


Most of the roads we have been on in Canada are a riders paradise!


Before the light rain started we put on our rain pants...never did need to put on the rain jackets, it was light enough that the leather kept us dry.


Saw this sign, but it was a good 100 km before we saw any.


What we did have to stop for was these critters. They took their time crossing. I forgot what these are called, and Mary is asleep right now.


This is a Panoramic shot of one little section of Muncho Lake. If I remember correctly, we followed along side of it for over 40 km.


Looks like there may be some clear skies ahead.


But it was not...more rain. I've mentioned it before, but the Gerbing jacket liners are amazing. We have not been cold at all this trip.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Stopped at Toad River for some gas and some food. Was pretty good. Interesting place for sure.


100 km after the sign, we came onto these. Sat and watched them from across the road for a good 10 minutes.


Back moving on some fantastic roads.


No more rain the rest of the day.

btw, I don't think I mentioned it...since Dawson Creek we have been on the Al-Can.


Mary is allergic to sulphur...ok to smell it, but no getting into any hot springs. We stopped anyway to have a look around the famous Liard Hot Springs.


Here's the source of the water for the springs in what they call the hanging garden.


Another Panoramic from up above the pools.


The pools at Liard.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

As soon as we left we saw this buffalo.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL25_zps1458dc10.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
<br />
Not long after we slowed down for this bear crossing the road.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL27_zps0eb870dd.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
This was our first experience with the huge amount of road work going on in the Yukon right now. It is smooth gravel for the most part, but they keep it wetted down with water and calcium chloride, aka Glop. It drys like a cement type powder on the bike..corrosive and not easy to clean off.<br />
<br />
You can see a truck down the road that has kicked up quite a bit of dust on a section of the road that had not been wetted down. It is either eat a lot of dust, or clean glop off the vehicles. <br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL28_zps8a0544bd.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
Couple of cool shadow pics.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL29_zps2ad4dddc.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL30_zps5fec2544.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
We slowly passed a line of these that were walking the edge of the road. This one in front turned and looked at us with a little body language that he was going to head our way... lol We went ahead and moved along.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL31_zps5d714b97.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
Saw a grizzly, he was a good 60 yards down the hill. Never got any closer, even though we waited. He looked up at us a couple of times. Mary asked me to start the bike everytime he looked our way...guess she doesn't trust the bear spray she bought.

lol<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL32_zps5902eef8.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
Welcome to the Yukon!<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL33_zps26133888.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
<br />
Soon after we arrived at Watson Lake.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL34_zpsf38c47f6.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />
<br />
We stayed at the "Historic Air Force Lodge", it is more like a hostel, but not hostel prices.<br />
<br />
Met up with Evangeline for the 3rd time in 4 days. She's from Australia, riding a BMW up to Fairbanks also.<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/DKCustom/AlaskaTrip/Watson%20Lake/ToWL35_zps943f6cc0.jpg" border="0" alt="" />
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

I am loving every moment of your trip...........I am going to Yellowstone in 4 weeks and I was excited about it, but NOW, I can't wait, thank you for all the wonderful pictures, I can't believe I will soon be riding Bear Tooth Pass...I would love to ride to Alaska some time soon (bucket list)....continue on and have a wonderful time and and a safe trip and keep the updates and pictures coming, it is like we are traveling along with you!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

TG, what great coverage of a great trip! Felt like I was riding right along side of you!

Let me add this... Count yourself blessed that you have a mate that'll saddle up and ride with you, especially on such an epic adventure. I wouldn't trade my bride for anything, but she wants nothing to do with the trike. She's not even interested in hearing about my rides. It saddens me when I think of the amazing things and places I've seen in my travels, knowing she'll never share the experience with me.

Ride safe!
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

WOW. awesome trip and travelogue. my wife and i are starting an around the USA trike trip in 2 weeks time, (we are Australian) love this thread. will be showing her when she gets home.
Safe and great travelling to you both... superb..
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

The room in Watson Lake was small.

Here's one side of it-


And here's the other side- lol


I did not get a picture of it, but the lobby was filled with all the guests' boots.

The calcium chloride that they use on the roads, that turns to a cement like substance on the bikes, well the owner did not want that on the hallway and room carpets, so all shoes are left in the lobby.

Ours were still there when we left out in the morning. lol

Mary doing her bungee cord art.


Before leaving Watson Lake we visited the Signpost Forest, it is on the north side of town.

We took a lot of pics, there is really no way to get one picture (from the ground) that shows how big it is.



There are over 100,000 signs there. I was going to bring an old Mississippi license plate to add to the collection, but forgot to pack it.

Mary wrote on the back of a sign.


One final pic as we rode away-


Not far out of town we hit another one way bridge. They had not poured the cement yet. Lot's of metal going in there.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

There is a lot of work going on in the Yukon on the Alcan highway...here's what it looks like dry...


And here's what it looks like wet...


And here is what parts of the highway looks like before it is torn up and redone.

Yep, off in the distance are to bicyclists (aka Meals on Wheels) in the middle of no-where.

It is amazing how many bicyclists ride the Alcan. Back at Toads I was talking with a German fellow on a bicycle that had started out in Vancouver and was pedaling all the way to Fairbanks Alaska.


We got a little bit of rain for a bit...not enough to stop for the rain suits.


Mary takes great pics, even at 70 and 80 mph.


Chained S curves, combined with elevation changes, are the best! :)


I made a mistake this morning. Before we left I rotated the air cleaner cover...for no good reason...just fiddling around.

Well, a couple hundred miles later I discovered that I had broken the loctite loose on the cover bolt.

Upon hearing a new noise, I saw that the cover was loose. Pulled over and removed the bolt and reapplied some thread-locker to it, cranked it down good, and waited about 30 minutes for it to set up a bit.


Mary was taking pics of the few where we were stopped.


Back on the road, eating up the miles.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

On 3 wheels these bridges are a bit of fun. On 2 wheels, not so much, especially when wet.



Some great views as we are getting closer to Whitehorse.





Arriving in Whitehorse, Capital of the Yukon.


The last few days we rode thru quite a bit of messy roads. Took the bike and washed it down. Stayed away from electrics and wheel bearings with the high pressure.

Did not take a before pic, but here it is after. We were pretty happy. lol

Little did we know what the next few days held.

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

I am loving every moment of your trip...........I am going to Yellowstone in 4 weeks and I was excited about it, but NOW, I can't wait, thank you for all the wonderful pictures, I can't believe I will soon be riding Bear Tooth Pass...I would love to ride to Alaska some time soon (bucket list)....continue on and have a wonderful time and and a safe trip and keep the updates and pictures coming, it is like we are traveling along with you!

Even with all the great sights we've seen in Canada and Alaska, Beartooth Pass and Yellowstone are hare to beat! Have a great trip!

TG, what great coverage of a great trip! Felt like I was riding right along side of you!

Let me add this... Count yourself blessed that you have a mate that'll saddle up and ride with you, especially on such an epic adventure. I wouldn't trade my bride for anything, but she wants nothing to do with the trike. She's not even interested in hearing about my rides. It saddens me when I think of the amazing things and places I've seen in my travels, knowing she'll never share the experience with me.

Ride safe!

Thanks. Yes, I know how fortunate I am. Especially after my accident a few years ago. (which is why I ended up on a TG) For a few months while I was confined to bed, she said she was not going to ride again.

WOW. awesome trip and travelogue. my wife and i are starting an around the USA trike trip in 2 weeks time, (we are Australian) love this thread. will be showing her when she gets home.
Safe and great travelling to you both... superb..

Thank you! Enjoy your USA trike trip!!! :)

Looks like you'r having a great trip. Ride free.

Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Leaving out of Whitehorse for Burwash Landing. Shop in Whitehorse.


Had a few things to do before leaving town.

Got gas. I checked first, he was filling the regular tank, not the premium.

btw, looked at the mileage the other day...was right at 6800 miles, and we've used 208 gallons of gas.


Next we went to Wally world and got some fishing supplies and fishing licenses for the Yukon.

Met David in the parking lot. He is out of Anchorage and has modified his Sporty for the local roads. Can't see it well in the pics, but adding extra rear travel he also added a drive belt tensioner. Lots of nice details to his ride.



Headed for Fairbanks, next stopover, less than 200 miles to Burwash Landing.


A perfect day for riding!



Remember when I "cranked down" on the air cleaner cover?

A perfect storm happened in the middle of "nowhere".

1. I have been running a prototype backplate for almost 2 years. Even though we redesigned the final product, beefing it up, this one had not given me any problems, and I had completely forgotten that it was a prototype/weaker material that we send all our Customers.

2. We have been pounding some pretty bumpy roads, some more suited to dirt bikes and ATV's than street bikes.

3. I over-tightened it a few days ago.

At 65 mph the cover landed between my right foot, the soft lower and the brake pedal.

I pulled over and here is what I saw.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

We are not remotely close to anywhere to repair or replace this. We have lots of dusty road in front and behind us.

While I am contemplating what to do, we heard a loud grunt in the woods behind us.

Being as we are in bear country, we get the bear spray out of the Tour-Pak. Mary keeps an eye on the woods, armed with the "Alaska-Strength" bear spray. lol

I think it was more likely a moose. I don't know what a bear sounds like, but this sounded like a deer grunt, but on steroids!

Ended up taking one of my Target brand UnderArmor type shirts and cutting it up. Put 4 layers between the throttle body and backplate. Put a little oil on the material to help catch the the dust. Put some duct tape on the sharp edges of the backplate so they won't rip my pants.

Was not sure how well it would hold up, hoping it would not tear and get sucked into the throttle body.

Off we went, slowly at first. That material is strong! No problems, and it is more restrictive than the K&N filter. Anything over 40-50% throttle and it was a bit boggy from too little air.


When we got to Haines Junction I called the shop and asked them to fedex me a production backplate to the Harley Dealer in Fairbanks. I am pretty sure this set up will hold til then, besides, we will be in Fairbanks by the time Fedex can get the package up this way.


Mary taking a picture, and me starting the video at the same time when we see some mountains come in to view.


We are not seeing as many mountains, and no glaciers, now that we are in the Yukon. But the views are still stunning.



We've seen a lot of bikes on the road, mostly BMW's, some KLR's and every now and then a Harley. This is the first sidecar we've seen.


Mary takes some great pics at 70 mph!


Kluane Lake, a bit before Destruction Bay.


More in next post.
Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

A couple more pics of Kluane Lake as the Alcan runs along side it for a while.



We travel thru 15 km of gravel on the Alcan where they are preparing it for new pavement. It is not all this nice, but when it gets really dusty Mary has the camera tucked away. Not much to see in a cloud of dust anyway. lol


We get to Burwash Landing and take another gravel road spur off the Alcan to get to where we are staying.


Most of the time when we come into the town we want to stay, we look for a motel at that time.

In this case, Mary had read about the Burwash Landing Resort, clean, reasonable price, on the Lake, and she had made reservations.

We get everything unpacked and in the room, then head down the lake a couple hundred yards to do some fishing.

Mary getting the gear we picked up in Whitehorse out of the stuff sack.


A float plane took off right in front of our little fishing spot as we got there.


We did not catch anything, but we had a nice relaxing time. btw, note how bright it is...these two panoramic pics were taken around 8:30 at night. We are now getting far enough north that there is only about an hour a day when it is sort of dark.


Re: Ride Report- Mississippi to Alaska & Back - Pic Heavy

Before leaving out of Burwash Landing, Mary took a few pics. This is a really old place, no air, no phones, no internet, ...it is an old hunting lodge and they have a few items in the lobby.




I took a couple of pics outside in the parking lot.


Steve bought this 2002 Indian in Honolulu, shipped it to Anchorage, Alaska and then rode it down to where he lives in Burwash.

It is a sweet running bike!


I ain't skeered. lol, even if there is no gas in 108 miles, I have 6 in the tank and 2 on the rack. :)


Stopped at a lake on the way....no sign of fish that we could see.


Mary's all warm and comfy!


The further we go in the Yukon, the rougher the roads get.


There are smooth stretches, but then there are just as many that are either gravel or have major problems.

It is hard to tell from this picture, but the difference in surface height is well over 12 inches. We are told this is because the permafrost below the road melts and everything just sinks in.


More in next post.

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