service manuals

​what was the web site that you can down load service manuals for less than 50 bucks? And does anyone know what the body control module does? This is the first trike I've had to work on and it's a challenge
James the Body Control Module works with all the electric items on the bike.
I Googled it. Lot to read. Mostly its the bank angle sensor, some were complaining about the bike shutting off if you push it to hard in corners.
You're not going to find valid service manuals online for newer trikes. The MoCo has a pretty tight grip on them. Just gonna have to bite the bullet and get them from a dealer. There are some who have some discounts, someone should jump in here with those sites...
I bought a CD that covers the 2019 touring portion of the trike. (E-Bay) I asked the guy that I bought it from, if he had the Trike supplement CD. He said that he didn't think anyone would buy one. He did say he would make one. I haven't seen one as yet. The CD that I bought was very good quality. The guys handle is "Serviceyourcar" Hope this helps. Jerry
I bought these online ... really nice ... for my 14 Tri

Service Manual Icon.png

It was $29.99 ... runs fast on a computer and has lots of links ... you can get around really easy. Included the trike, shop and electrical troubleshooting guide.
Bought my 2016 Touring Service and Trike Supplement Manuals from an eBay Seller and they are loose leaf pages in two three hole binders. I like them because I can easily remove pages to make copies or scan individual pages to jpg or pdf files. It's also convenient if I only want to take the needed pages to my work location. Hope you find a set to your liking.
Bought my 2016 Touring Service and Trike Supplement Manuals from an eBay Seller and they are loose leaf pages in two three hole binders. I like them because I can easily remove pages to make copies or scan individual pages to jpg or pdf files. It's also convenient if I only want to take the needed pages to my work location. Hope you find a set to your liking.

I like that idea too ... I just print pages I need .. .take them to the work site ... and if the get dirty/greasy ... just toss them ... if not, I put them in a three ring binder for next time.
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