starting a new build


I think this will keep me busy for a while.

VW pictures by Wayne84FXWG - Photobucket
starts by looking ugly but the future swan will be there.

Swan? I don't know, but it sure is ugly.
Let me introduce you to my helpers. You will see two young men in my pictures. They are Steve and Dale. Steve the older brother lives in the next block with his girl frend and kids. Dale lives next door to me, with his parents.
They show up about 6:30 every evening and love the garage.
Last night we got the motor off.
There was no drain plug for the oil, Just a plate with 6 nuts. so off it came and on the plate was a 1/2 " thick layer of sluge. nothing came out. A little scrape with the screw driver and a trickle of water started. Clean water. Then came the oil and it really didn't look to bad. Strangely enough it wasn't milky at all the oil and water were not mixed and stayed separated.
The crank does not turn. Could be the rings are stuck, lets hope.


The rest of the belt is stuck in the crank pulley


Can we say challenge.
Here is the oil drain/ screen plate.


I think I can clean the pressure plate up. But the clutch is toast. There is clutch dust laying in the bottom of the flywheel




I am useing BP Blaster to get the tins off. I need to get a couple of wrenchs 21mm 35 or 36mm.
Good night
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Wayne you got a great project there keep the pic's coming.That PB Blaster is some great stuff I use it on all my rusted nuts and bolts before I even try to take them apart!!Good Luck & Happy Building!!!
I rearranged my photo bucket

And everything went away here is a link VW pictures by Wayne84FXWG - Photobucket
I think that the only thing Ill be able to save is the cases.

The heads are trashed I might be able to rebuil them but not today. I found an outlet for used parts yesterday so I will have some used new ones.

I moved the shifter back 30"

while I was at it I found the main shaft to be kind of loose so... There is a trany rebuil kit avalible for about $130.
The shift shaft isn't purfectly stright so I think I'll cut it back out and set the box in a bit.



Look what came out of #1 cylinder.


the pistons where solid in the jugs so I had to break them out with out screwing up the cases.


I know I made a mess.
Wow!!! That is a LOT more work then I would want to take on. I'd be lost.
I will be looking for your progress. I'm curious to see your finished product. Good luck.
It is fun trying to figure out how things happen. Like the 3/4" of clay in Number 1 cylinder. The cases are salvagable. The heads can be rebuilt. Not that at this point I will use either, we shall see. The story that I got was that this buggie ran when it was parked in 1985. Not well I'm thinking. The transaxel is worn out the points and rotor are burnt. The plugs looked very rich. We Can Build It.<br />
I will try to make some progress this week but I am putting valve guides in my shovelhead and this will be number one priority for a couple of days.
Good Weekend

Durning the week I got the cases apart. I learned mega about VW engines. the distributor drive was frozen, so the pinion gear and th cam gear got wiped.

Everything was stuck, but I think that the cases are OK. It seems that all stock std. bushings and bearings can go back in.

I started on the frame I have 750 that has a titled neck, Sooooooooo, I cut the neck. The motor goes to my son for his chopper project.


And this is My Mistress. ( Wife named her).

There is more frame done now, I'll get picts up soon. I'll tell you what after building the shovelhead, the prices for VW parts is easy to take.
Frame is painted and new brakes are in a box in the living room. I think by saturday I'll have it sitting on three wheels. Picts to come. After doing the math on parts and time I think it would be wiser to buy an engine.
frame is painted and rotors are on




Today is clean the trany day.
Then I'll start the forward controls.
I'll try to take more pictures, I get so dirty that I don't want to touch the camera.