Time to move on


2500+ Posts
Gold Member
It's been a great long run. Motorcycles and trikes have been an important part of my life consistently for over 50 years. I did a lot of solo touring when younger. After retirement I got involved in group rides. Today my group no longer exists. They've all stopped riding or went to heaven. My last best riding buddy left us last January. We had a summer, 2023 month long tour planned but he didn't make it. I sold his trike and trailer for his widow.

Today I watched my trike ride away with it's new grinning owner. Nice couple from Minnesota who winter here in Arizona. It was an interesting sales process. I offered to take the husband on a ride to show him how the bike preforms. He declined but said to take his wife instead. Wanted to make sure she was comfortable. She was. When we got back she kept telling her somewhat reluctant husband to quit looking and just buy my trike. He relented. He had ridden a couple trikes before and was not totally convinced that's what he wanted. After riding my (his) trike home, he called me and said it felt so good that he felt he had been riding it all his life. Made me happy to know it went to a good and appreciative home..... Jim
Jim I know you'll miss it but you know when its time.Keep hanging out with us we enjoy your company.
It's been a great long run. Motorcycles and trikes have been an important part of my life consistently for over 50 years. I did a lot of solo touring when younger. After retirement I got involved in group rides. Today my group no longer exists. They've all stopped riding or went to heaven. My last best riding buddy left us last January. We had a summer, 2023 month long tour planned but he didn't make it. I sold his trike and trailer for his widow.

Today I watched my trike ride away with it's new grinning owner. Nice couple from Minnesota who winter here in Arizona. It was an interesting sales process. I offered to take the husband on a ride to show him how the bike preforms. He declined but said to take his wife instead. Wanted to make sure she was comfortable. She was. When we got back she kept telling her somewhat reluctant husband to quit looking and just buy my trike. He relented. He had ridden a couple trikes before and was not totally convinced that's what he wanted. After riding my (his) trike home, he called me and said it felt so good that he felt he had been riding it all his life. Made me happy to know it went to a good and appreciative home..... Jim

Jim.....Don't be a stranger...ThumbUp...
Unfortunately, this something most of us will have to face someday. Keep your memories and think back and smile, stay with the group and help out the newbies as they come on board. You may have sold the motorcycle, but you will always be a motorcyclist.
Sorry to hear you have to quit riding Jim.

It is something we all will have to do sometime in the future.

Good luck in all you do and please stay on the Forum!
Sorry to say it happens sooner or later, Stick around on the form.....:Coffee:
That little mustang convertible you have, or is it a T-Bird, might like to visit the Texas Hill Country... cruise ALL the roads and country lanes taking in the views.. not just the weekend tourist roads your Gold Wing saw...
Jim, I guess I'm sad for you and glad for you at the same time, selling a bike is always an altering experience. I sincerely hope you'll still be around with us misfits here on TT, best of luck in whatever comes your way.
Thank you all for your very kind words! The decision to sell did not come quickly or easily. I knew going in that it would be a lifestyle change. It's going to take a while to get used to having that empty space in my carport. But what I will miss most of all is the people. So many good and lasting friendships came from our mutual enjoyment of riding. I do plan to stay active here on TT. So many members here I think of as friends even though most have never met in person. Those I have met and ridden with have given me memories that will be cherished forever.

I plan to continue doing some touring..... but it will be in my little Mustang convertible. If any of you are out riding and see a gray-haired old guy in a blue Mustang giving you a motorcycle waive, just wave back. That'd probably be me showing my respect and envy..... Jim
Thank you all for your very kind words! The decision to sell did not come quickly or easily. I knew going in that it would be a lifestyle change. It's going to take a while to get used to having that empty space in my carport. But what I will miss most of all is the people. So many good and lasting friendships came from our mutual enjoyment of riding. I do plan to stay active here on TT. So many members here I think of as friends even though most have never met in person. Those I have met and ridden with have given me memories that will be cherished forever.

I plan to continue doing some touring..... but it will be in my little Mustang convertible. If any of you are out riding and see a gray-haired old guy in a blue Mustang giving you a motorcycle waive, just wave back. That'd probably be me showing my respect and envy..... Jim

A good decision, I enjoy your witty posts

YOUR ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS AROUND HERE, "When you spoke we ALL listened"

Please come back often and say hello.......

I know what you mean about lose'n ride'n partners, all my friend have either stopped ride'n or passed as well....... So ride'n isn't quite as fun, as before, I'm putting less ~n~ less miles on my TRIKE every year....(and putting it away for winter storage/earlier ~n~ earlier) She won't see the light of day till at least April 1st.............

It gets boring just riding alone so I just don't take it out any more. and it just sits in my garage...{collecting dust}


Thank you all for your very kind words! The decision to sell did not come quickly or easily. I knew going in that it would be a lifestyle change. It's going to take a while to get used to having that empty space in my carport. But what I will miss most of all is the people. So many good and lasting friendships came from our mutual enjoyment of riding. I do plan to stay active here on TT. So many members here I think of as friends even though most have never met in person. Those I have met and ridden with have given me memories that will be cherished forever.

I plan to continue doing some touring..... but it will be in my little Mustang convertible. If any of you are out riding and see a gray-haired old guy in a blue Mustang giving you a motorcycle waive, just wave back. That'd probably be me showing my respect and envy..... Jim

Jim I also sold my trike. My wife no longer felt safe riding hers and she was my riding buddy. I also have a Blue 2014 Mustang Convertible. It only had 26K miles on it when we sold our bikes 18 months ago. We ride the same mountains for vacation as before with the top down. My wife LOVES it. So even though I miss my trike its GREAT to have my riding buddy right next to me. Bundle up put that top down and enjoy. Who knows maybe 2 blue Mustangs will pass each other on the dragon and give each other the sign.

I have some buds who have quit riding too. At 68 i don't know just how many years i have left behind the bars, but i am going to hang in there as long as i can.

I do know one thing, after 56 years of riding i will never get tired of reading and talking bikes. Not until i am cold and taking a dirt nap.
Wow Jim, you've been on this forum a very long time, and there comes a time for all of us to hang it up. I'll be 91 next month and I'm thinking my time is growing near. I wish you the best.
Wow Jim, you've been on this forum a very long time, and there comes a time for all of us to hang it up. I'll be 91 next month and I'm thinking my time is growing near. I wish you the best.


91 yrs old (God bless you) I'm 73 and going strong (well maybe not strong/cause my TRIKE is in hibernation because of winter) BUT come April 1st, I'm hoping to be back out on the road again...

How far do you live from Clearwater Fla.?? Wife and I just got back from a vacation there two weeks ago.

