Torsion Bar

Hello, My trike has a ground clearance of just under 3". The machanic and I discussed ways to raise it a little. He is arguably the best VW mechanic in this part of the state, but he doesn't do much with trikes and mine is a little unusual. he said that I could turn the torsion bar up one notch, but it would raise my frame "a bunch". But since it has no body, he doesn't know how much. Anyone have any experiance adjusting the torsion bar? I would appreciate any educated guesses on how much it would raise my frame. It weighs 1060 lbs. full of fuel with Mabel and I. Thanks for your time.
It will be similar.

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This is also in tech thread.

It can be tedious to keep up with where you are and where you have moved it.

If you study the chart you will see that the inner and outer splines are different pitch. So it takes a combination of skipped teeth.
Thanks. The charts are way over my head. I talked to the mechanic today and he said he would research it. He didn't sound too crazy about attaching it, he does more motor work than any thing else. If he's not interested in doing it, I don't think that there is any place within a couple hundred miles of me that does this type of work. I've had the trike about 4 years like this, I reckon I can do as many more as we have in us. And Mabel really doesn't care one way or the other, as long as she gets to go. Thanks for your time,
The mechanic should be able to understand the chart.

The chart itself is the easy part. Keeping up with where you are and how many teeth you are skipping is the hard part.

Trike.jpgBefore I made the body I went to a off road VW shop and they lowered the torsion bars for me...